Very good value. Great bed. Pretty easy to assemble. The dual ladders make it easy to find a good position. My six YO has an easy time climbing up and over, but it does seem kinda rickety under weight. There are two brackets to attach the structure to the wall that would probably make it sturdier, but living in an apartment we were unable to use.
Assembled Quickly. This bed is awesome. Definitely worth the money because its sturdy, easy to put together , and the color is perfect for her room. It took me and 2 of my kids about 2 hours total to put it togetehr. Not bad at all.
Do the work. I bought this for my son and he absolutely loves it. He and I put it together with very little problem. It seems fairly sturdy although it does sway a bit as you climb on it and move around. Its not enough movement to scare my son though ( hes generally a chicken), so it is sturdy enough. Weve had close to 300 lbs on it including the mattresses bedding with nary a squeak. He says it sleeps really comfortably (that could also be the 2 mattresses we have on it). The ladder is a bit hard on the feet, but unless youre standing on the ladder for an extended time, its not really an issue. Neither my son or daughter likes that you have to climb over the rail to get into the bed, though. I figure that was partially for added stability, so its not that big or an issue to me. The space underneath is very nice. Its higher underneath than my daughters wooden loft bed of similar proportions. It is obviously fairly dark underneath, but well be using rope lighting to fix that. As it is, he has a 32 TV on his dresser and a recliner under the bed and everything fits quite nicely. Its his own personal man cave within his room. Moving his dresser underneath his bed has really opened up the room. He likes the silver color of the bed since it goes so well with his camouflage and industrial steel decor.
Awesome! This thing holds up pretty well. Turned the bottom part into a nest with a curtain and TV, and hung a bunch of clothes up on the side. There is a lot more room to walk around now.
Perfect for my needs. Easy to assemble, very sturdy, I even climb up there to make the bed with ease. It doesnt squeak when youre moving around. Fits a general sized futon under it (I believe our futon is 75/76 inches wide). Love it!
Very wobbly. Ended up being too high for my ceiling but it makes a fine makeshift attic for my studio apt. This was a nightmare to assemble.
Great buy overall
Very good value. Great bed. Pretty easy to assemble. The dual ladders make it easy to find a good position. My six YO has an easy time climbing up and over, but it does seem kinda rickety under weight. There are two brackets to attach the structure to the wall that would probably make it sturdier, but living in an apartment we were unable to use.
Awesome bed easy to assemble
Assembled Quickly. This bed is awesome. Definitely worth the money because its sturdy, easy to put together , and the color is perfect for her room. It took me and 2 of my kids about 2 hours total to put it togetehr. Not bad at all.
Very good I recommend it
This works. Very good, I loved it, it is easy to assemble between two people I recommend it
Very nice for the price
Do the work. I bought this for my son and he absolutely loves it. He and I put it together with very little problem. It seems fairly sturdy although it does sway a bit as you climb on it and move around. Its not enough movement to scare my son though ( hes generally a chicken), so it is sturdy enough. Weve had close to 300 lbs on it including the mattresses bedding with nary a squeak. He says it sleeps really comfortably (that could also be the 2 mattresses we have on it). The ladder is a bit hard on the feet, but unless youre standing on the ladder for an extended time, its not really an issue. Neither my son or daughter likes that you have to climb over the rail to get into the bed, though. I figure that was partially for added stability, so its not that big or an issue to me. The space underneath is very nice. Its higher underneath than my daughters wooden loft bed of similar proportions. It is obviously fairly dark underneath, but well be using rope lighting to fix that. As it is, he has a 32 TV on his dresser and a recliner under the bed and everything fits quite nicely. Its his own personal man cave within his room. Moving his dresser underneath his bed has really opened up the room. He likes the silver color of the bed since it goes so well with his camouflage and industrial steel decor.
Made a cool cave/nest
Awesome! This thing holds up pretty well. Turned the bottom part into a nest with a curtain and TV, and hung a bunch of clothes up on the side. There is a lot more room to walk around now.
Kids love it
Fair for the price. Great product
Love it
Perfect for my needs. Easy to assemble, very sturdy, I even climb up there to make the bed with ease. It doesnt squeak when youre moving around. Fits a general sized futon under it (I believe our futon is 75/76 inches wide). Love it!
Just ok
HAPPY!! Looks ok lightweight and not so easy to put together
Twin Loft Bed, White
Good price. My daughter love her loft bed it was the right size and its very sturdy!!!
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