Good quality. Very easy to assemble and is pretty sturdy. You will want to either use some lock tight or make sure you go through and tighten the bolts every few weeks as they do start to loosen. Thats expected though with a product. My son loves his bed and his area beneath it.
Kids love it easy to put together. My teenage son put this together with me hleping. It was pretty easy to put together. It squeaks when my younger son gets in it but not bad. It is a bed so I expected that.
Easy assembly. Worth it. My 4 year old and 2 year old give this bed a beating and it has been a champ. We have a queen size bed under this bunk for now (a good thing trust me). But will buy again when the boys are older as they share a room and will each need a .
Better than expected. I ordered two of these in back 2 years ago for my boys room and girls room. The ladder lasted about a year in the boys room. My son who took the top bunk is small but rough. Im pretty sure he wore them out. But he managed to get to the top every night with out it and the rails never failed me. Now I just recently separated into two beds and Im using it for my 23 month old to transition into his own bed. Its perfect. The ladder for the girls bed is still there but missing one step. Not sure if thats due to her or the structure but hey the bed is still quite functional.
Their dad did have quite the time putting these together. Once he figured out one he knew how to do the other but the directions were t that great. Anyways Im glad I ordered these. Were just past the two year mark and they lasted my 9 and 12 year old pretty well and now my toddlers are using them as singles. My 10 year old daughter is still using hers as well. My kids on the top bunk are average size. The bed did shake a little but nothing too concerning and my boys are a little rough. I will say two years ago the price was way lower too.
Great bed frame.
Good quality. Very easy to assemble and is pretty sturdy. You will want to either use some lock tight or make sure you go through and tighten the bolts every few weeks as they do start to loosen. Thats expected though with a product. My son loves his bed and his area beneath it.
Great bed
Value for money. This bed is solid and doesnt squeak or make the noises other loft beds do. It fits a futon under it very nicely.
Good Cheap Bed
Great! Directions are fairly straight forward, but expect to spend some time assembling.
Space saver
Good quality. Great so far.
Nice product
Good. Used for my daughter, works well for her room
My 10 year loves this bed
Kids love it easy to put together. My teenage son put this together with me hleping. It was pretty easy to put together. It squeaks when my younger son gets in it but not bad. It is a bed so I expected that.
Well made
Perfect. Will recommend
Great buy
Easy assembly. Worth it. My 4 year old and 2 year old give this bed a beating and it has been a champ. We have a queen size bed under this bunk for now (a good thing trust me). But will buy again when the boys are older as they share a room and will each need a .
Looks great and good quality
Love it! Assembly is easy if you have someones help
Surprisingly strong
Better than expected. I ordered two of these in back 2 years ago for my boys room and girls room. The ladder lasted about a year in the boys room. My son who took the top bunk is small but rough. Im pretty sure he wore them out. But he managed to get to the top every night with out it and the rails never failed me. Now I just recently separated into two beds and Im using it for my 23 month old to transition into his own bed. Its perfect. The ladder for the girls bed is still there but missing one step. Not sure if thats due to her or the structure but hey the bed is still quite functional. Their dad did have quite the time putting these together. Once he figured out one he knew how to do the other but the directions were t that great. Anyways Im glad I ordered these. Were just past the two year mark and they lasted my 9 and 12 year old pretty well and now my toddlers are using them as singles. My 10 year old daughter is still using hers as well. My kids on the top bunk are average size. The bed did shake a little but nothing too concerning and my boys are a little rough. I will say two years ago the price was way lower too.
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