The cabinet itself was great, however, when the time came to put the cabinet together, there were no pre/made holes for the legs. That made it extremely time consuming. 4 legs x 4 holes means we had to make 16 holes. This was by far the longest and most tedious step of the cabinet. Overall, the cabinet is a great addition to our home.
Cute and Simple
I really like this shoe cubby. It is a little flimsy but I think that is to be expected. It does the job and looks great in my living room!
Pretty nice
It is pretty well made, cut it open and using it as a covered litter box area. Been working great for that. Makes it looks nice. Would recommend.
The return process was difficult to get the right part.
The furniture is good for the price but it was missing a part.
That it looks heavy but in actuality it light weight and compact.
We both love the color,height and we may order a few more in the near future!
Love, love, love this!!! Perfect addition to my bathroom! Nicer looking than a typical over the toilet storage stand.
Wanted a big larger and wider. looks good!!!
Its good, but a little small than expected. otherwise looks good.
Five Stars
it keeps my shoes in place and a good place to keep my betta fish
Four Stars
I love this. great item for the price.stores a lot of shoes
Love them Thank you and sorry for the late
Love them Thank you and sorry for the late response
The cabinet itself was great, however, when the time came to put the cabinet together, there were no pre/made holes for the legs. That made it extremely time consuming. 4 legs x 4 holes means we had to make 16 holes. This was by far the longest and most tedious step of the cabinet. Overall, the cabinet is a great addition to our home.
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