The bed took about 45 min to assemble with 2 people but its overall really high quality and really nice. Im super happy with it. My daughter has seizures and was so happy to find a bed with a soft headboard footboard incase she has a seizure falls. Its very sturdy and well made.
It was not an easy task. Both the head and foot board had the bolt holes covered by the fabric. The sides didnt line up exactly. And the middle piece to the metal frame that goes in the middle with the 3legs is bowed so that the slats with the Velcro do not adhere on one side. Very frustrating but not worth shipping it back. Im making it work.
Sturdy. Easy assembly
Sturdy. Easy assembly. Does not require box spring
Easy to build, and looks expensive!
Such good quality! Really impressed with the ease of putting it together. Looks really expensive. 10/10 recommend
Looks great easy set up
Easy to assemble just follow instructions. We are very happy with the end result
Beautiful piece
Came quickly and no damage to the box. Pieces were all there, assembly was short and easy.
loved it!
great bed!
Great bed
Its a great bed I love it its so pretty
Must have!
Beautiful bed! It took a little longer than expected but once we got it figured out it was perfect!
We love it!
The bed took about 45 min to assemble with 2 people but its overall really high quality and really nice. Im super happy with it. My daughter has seizures and was so happy to find a bed with a soft headboard footboard incase she has a seizure falls. Its very sturdy and well made.
Not worth the frustration
It was not an easy task. Both the head and foot board had the bolt holes covered by the fabric. The sides didnt line up exactly. And the middle piece to the metal frame that goes in the middle with the 3legs is bowed so that the slats with the Velcro do not adhere on one side. Very frustrating but not worth shipping it back. Im making it work.
beautiful bed frame
poor instructions but very beautiful bed frame. Arrived fast
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