Purchased for our 10 year old granddaughter and she loves it. The entire unit is sturdy and the desk area under is perfect for her. We put two small dressers under each end of the desk as well. It served my purpose perfectly.
Easy installation. We have a small space for this bed but worked perfectly and added so much lot space to our childs room. Durable and chic! i am enjoying it
A lot of parts but easy to assemble. Much sturdier than what I thought it was going to be. Perfect for my ten year old son. The ladder is not comfortable on his feet but can use a pool noodle to cover. Love the Designs
Great for the value! However l, I would definitely recommend getting something to anchor it to the wall and the rings are so small and uncomfortable. I would also recommend pool noodles. Overall great value. Excellent value for what I paid
This bed is not as sturdy as I would have hoped: entire structure is very shaky when using the ladder, unless you are under 40lbs. so you get what you pay for.
Very affordable. However, I guess you get what you pay for. This bed make so much noise. You cant move without waking everyone in the house. Very wobbly. Im a bit disappointed.
My daughter loves it. Fits decently with a standard 8 foot ceiling, where higher beds really dont. Was a lot of work to assemble but wasnt really that hard / just took a while. Seems plenty sturdy for kids. it looks very nice.
Worth the price
Purchased for our 10 year old granddaughter and she loves it. The entire unit is sturdy and the desk area under is perfect for her. We put two small dressers under each end of the desk as well. It served my purpose perfectly.
Great bed for tight spaces
Easy installation. We have a small space for this bed but worked perfectly and added so much lot space to our childs room. Durable and chic! i am enjoying it
Good buy for the price
A lot of parts but easy to assemble. Much sturdier than what I thought it was going to be. Perfect for my ten year old son. The ladder is not comfortable on his feet but can use a pool noodle to cover. Love the Designs
Great value, consider also purchasing
Great for the value! However l, I would definitely recommend getting something to anchor it to the wall and the rings are so small and uncomfortable. I would also recommend pool noodles. Overall great value. Excellent value for what I paid
Just ok: not very sturdy
This bed is not as sturdy as I would have hoped: entire structure is very shaky when using the ladder, unless you are under 40lbs. so you get what you pay for.
You get what you pay for
Very affordable. However, I guess you get what you pay for. This bed make so much noise. You cant move without waking everyone in the house. Very wobbly. Im a bit disappointed.
aming bed set
aming product Please with this purchase
Great price and easy setup.
Great product, makes for a great kids bed and my grandson loves it! What a surprise
Worth your money
Upon arriving there were pieces of the headboard as to where the product was welded together but came apart. Its not bad its just not great.
Good for rooms with 8 foot ceiling
My daughter loves it. Fits decently with a standard 8 foot ceiling, where higher beds really dont. Was a lot of work to assemble but wasnt really that hard / just took a while. Seems plenty sturdy for kids. it looks very nice.
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