He loves it. If you put it together well, it works. Its not the most solid thing but its exactly what we expected. My 10/year/old son likes it. While Im sure it would adequately support my additional 175 lbs, Im not likely to be joining him up there (nor is anyone else).
Size small. Perfect size, fit a small room, put the dresser under it and if fits just right. Wobbles a bit. My kid is 15 and 130lbs and loves it. The shelves are the steps to get on. Over all its a good buy
works great. This was a great purchase for my 6 year old daugther. She loves being up high and the added space to her room as the underneath area can obviously be used, so big pluses there! My husband and I put it together. It overall was a fairly easy build with 2 people and took us about an hour and a half to put it together. Very sturdy and quality pieces. I also like that it gives the appearance that it is wood, although it is metal.
My daughter love it!!! This really opened up my daughters small room. She loves it! It was a Christmas surprise. Age 10 perfect fit will transition into teen years. Very Sturdy. She is about 5 foot tall cannot stand underneath has to watch her head but sitting in chair or at desk which is perfect.
Its fine. This bed should be assembled and being used by now but the company did not send all of the parts. The bars to support the mattress were missing and so were the rungs for both ladders. I have reached out to them with the Lot , Order , Model , etc. (all the items they requested I send to them and they say they cannot find my order despite all of the information provided.
I am not impressed with their customer service and I am pretty close to just returning the bed. Im regretting going this avenue. But I guess you get what you pay for.
Once we finally got things cleared up with , the missing pieces were shipped to us and the bed is being used. My daughter LOVES it. So despite it not being a complete order when it was first delivered and the rigmarole with getting the missing pieces, the bed frame itself is nice and sturdy.
Love it. This was an excellent purchase. My husband told me that it was much easier to put together than he expected and in its final state, it is sturdy and firm and has done wonders for my daughters room. Definitely a wonderful purchase!
Visually linear and great for small space
Easy set up. As expected. Visually linear and great for small space. Not built for adults definitely a young teen or youngers bed.
Three Stars
Exactly as it looks, but not great quality. I returned it. Not what I was looking for.
Five Stars
Cute. My son loves this bed. It is definitely work the money!
If you put it together well, it works.
He loves it. If you put it together well, it works. Its not the most solid thing but its exactly what we expected. My 10/year/old son likes it. While Im sure it would adequately support my additional 175 lbs, Im not likely to be joining him up there (nor is anyone else).
Its a good bed
Size small. Perfect size, fit a small room, put the dresser under it and if fits just right. Wobbles a bit. My kid is 15 and 130lbs and loves it. The shelves are the steps to get on. Over all its a good buy
Four Stars
It was easy. Seems sturdy enough. My son really likes it. Hes 18 and 120lb and it feels good to him.
This was a great purchase for my 6 year old daugther
works great. This was a great purchase for my 6 year old daugther. She loves being up high and the added space to her room as the underneath area can obviously be used, so big pluses there! My husband and I put it together. It overall was a fairly easy build with 2 people and took us about an hour and a half to put it together. Very sturdy and quality pieces. I also like that it gives the appearance that it is wood, although it is metal.
Great for 10 year old.
My daughter love it!!! This really opened up my daughters small room. She loves it! It was a Christmas surprise. Age 10 perfect fit will transition into teen years. Very Sturdy. She is about 5 foot tall cannot stand underneath has to watch her head but sitting in chair or at desk which is perfect.
Parts Missing/Poor Customer Service from
Its fine. This bed should be assembled and being used by now but the company did not send all of the parts. The bars to support the mattress were missing and so were the rungs for both ladders. I have reached out to them with the Lot , Order , Model , etc. (all the items they requested I send to them and they say they cannot find my order despite all of the information provided. I am not impressed with their customer service and I am pretty close to just returning the bed. Im regretting going this avenue. But I guess you get what you pay for. Once we finally got things cleared up with , the missing pieces were shipped to us and the bed is being used. My daughter LOVES it. So despite it not being a complete order when it was first delivered and the rigmarole with getting the missing pieces, the bed frame itself is nice and sturdy.
This was an excellent purchase. My husband told me that it was
Love it. This was an excellent purchase. My husband told me that it was much easier to put together than he expected and in its final state, it is sturdy and firm and has done wonders for my daughters room. Definitely a wonderful purchase!
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