As advertised.Took a long time to put together, but overall good product. My Daughter loves it, the black was a bit cheaper then the white but matches perfectly with her room.
Easy build, Wanted a new bed for 11 yo son with very small bedroom. He loved this and I liked that it was a mini/loft and not so high off the ground as regular loft / bunk. This is sturdy and well built. He is perfectly comfortable up there even without box spring that hes used to. My only gripe is how hard it was to put together. Id have something tight, only to have to loosen it to fit another part on. Should have said not to tighten the thing before fitting it together. It took a long time to put together, but its well worth the time and frustration. He loves it!
At Ease. Yes, yes, once you get over the gillion parts you put together, its a great bed! Using a drill made it go by faster. Took my husband and me about 4 hours. I did have to loosen some parts to get other parts in place, but that didnt bother me. I didnt have to use ratchet straps like someone else did, but my husband did have to manhandle a part or two. Sticker and minor scratches aside (my son doesnt care about that stuff), its an overall awesome and sturdy bed. Im 145 lbs, my son is about 50 lbs and we comfortably took a nap. The reason I gave it a 5 instead of a four or less is because I read all the reviews and knew what I was getting into (quadrillion parts, scratches, dents, time etc)
Just fine. It took me most of the day to put it together. (29yo Female) Theres a lot of pieces but I guess thats why it was so inexpensive because you could put it together yourself. But it looks great for the price. My son loves it. My only issue is that I wish there was a way to switch which side the steps were on. I would have preferred it on the other side.
As expected. Bought one for each of my kids and they love them! Weve had one for a year now and it is still going strong. Also, I love the height of them. Easy for me(5 5)to tuck my kids in and make the bed without climbing in it.
Good one. It definitely was not easy or quick to put together. However my 3 year old absolutely loves this bed.
It would be 5 stars, but on the carpet the bottom drawer doesnt open or close very well. I wish I swung open like the other box.
All in all this bed is worth the money and time to put it together.
Looks great. The package was well packed and extremely heavy. It took longer to put together than the 3.5 hrs stated but we did not have perfect conditions and workspace. Directions were easy to follow but had a couple items incorrect in the instructions. The plugs on bottom of legs were pre/installed and the cross support retainers were never mentioned. All in all it was close enough to figure out. This bed was much sturdier than expected. Im very happy with the purchase and it should serve well for years to come. This bed will not be easy to move without disassembly and not a good choice for someone who moves a lot.
but overall good product. My Daughter loves it
As advertised.Took a long time to put together, but overall good product. My Daughter loves it, the black was a bit cheaper then the white but matches perfectly with her room.
Pain to assemble but worth the final result!
Easy build, Wanted a new bed for 11 yo son with very small bedroom. He loved this and I liked that it was a mini/loft and not so high off the ground as regular loft / bunk. This is sturdy and well built. He is perfectly comfortable up there even without box spring that hes used to. My only gripe is how hard it was to put together. Id have something tight, only to have to loosen it to fit another part on. Should have said not to tighten the thing before fitting it together. It took a long time to put together, but its well worth the time and frustration. He loves it!
but is very sturdy. My four/year/old loves it
Fit well, Took a while to put together, but is very sturdy. My four/year/old loves it
its a great bed! Using a drill made it go by
At Ease. Yes, yes, once you get over the gillion parts you put together, its a great bed! Using a drill made it go by faster. Took my husband and me about 4 hours. I did have to loosen some parts to get other parts in place, but that didnt bother me. I didnt have to use ratchet straps like someone else did, but my husband did have to manhandle a part or two. Sticker and minor scratches aside (my son doesnt care about that stuff), its an overall awesome and sturdy bed. Im 145 lbs, my son is about 50 lbs and we comfortably took a nap. The reason I gave it a 5 instead of a four or less is because I read all the reviews and knew what I was getting into (quadrillion parts, scratches, dents, time etc)
But it looks great for the price
Just fine. It took me most of the day to put it together. (29yo Female) Theres a lot of pieces but I guess thats why it was so inexpensive because you could put it together yourself. But it looks great for the price. My son loves it. My only issue is that I wish there was a way to switch which side the steps were on. I would have preferred it on the other side.
Set up was a pain. Were really enjoying this loft bed, perfect height
Fantastic shorter loft bed.
As expected. Bought one for each of my kids and they love them! Weve had one for a year now and it is still going strong. Also, I love the height of them. Easy for me(5 5)to tuck my kids in and make the bed without climbing in it.
Quality is OK. But my granddaughter loves the stairs
Definitely worth it.Quality is OK. But my granddaughter loves the stairs and the area underneath makes her room more spacious.
It definitely was not easy or quick to put together
Good one. It definitely was not easy or quick to put together. However my 3 year old absolutely loves this bed. It would be 5 stars, but on the carpet the bottom drawer doesnt open or close very well. I wish I swung open like the other box. All in all this bed is worth the money and time to put it together.
Bang for your buck!
Looks great. The package was well packed and extremely heavy. It took longer to put together than the 3.5 hrs stated but we did not have perfect conditions and workspace. Directions were easy to follow but had a couple items incorrect in the instructions. The plugs on bottom of legs were pre/installed and the cross support retainers were never mentioned. All in all it was close enough to figure out. This bed was much sturdier than expected. Im very happy with the purchase and it should serve well for years to come. This bed will not be easy to move without disassembly and not a good choice for someone who moves a lot.
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