Lots of parts but well organized, parts well identified, and instructions clear/well written. Finished product looks good and is surprisingly sturdy Assembled Quickly.
We bought this bunk bed set for my grandson and he loves it. It took time to assemble, but all parts were accountable; and, once assembly was completed, the set seems quite sturdy. Always great!
so far so good, 2 months in and no cracks in my set.
i feel the planks under the mattress could be better, if you buy a cheap thin set, you will feel them all.
but over all good. building it wasnt too bad. the only issue was the planks, some of them split while installing has to do with the design, they wanted more strength, so they used vertical sticks but if you drive screws through it, it tends to split
anyways, it works, just could have done it alittle different in my opinion. but over all good value so far. no insecurity of safety. This works.
Bought this for my 4 year old son In grey. He loves it and we are super happy with it too. I cant believe how nice and sturdy it is for the price. We would recommend this to Anyone! My husband and a friend assembled it it took about 1.5 hours but wasnt bad at all. Adequate quality.
Ordered the bed for my 6 year old son. He loves it. The box came in good condition. I would say give yourself about 5/6 hours to set up the bed. Easy instructions but it takes 2 people to set up. Had the bed for a month so far so good. Do the work.
Ours arrived damaged. The box was really tore up and you could see exposed pieces that were scratched. I didnt want to deal with sending it back and waiting for a new one so were with it. The bed itself is a really great piece of furniture. Easy to put together, nice colors, and looks great in my kids room. Awesome!
Bed is awesome! The 3 extra legs under bed are not great but still overall i am very happy with this bed and my kids enjoy it very much. Fair for the price.
The only negative thing I can say about this bed, is that it does take some time to put together and the number stickers do leave some residue behind when you peel them off. Some sweat and a few choice words for sure, but overall pretty strait forward construction if you follow the directionsI was concerned given some reviews that the quality was questionable but as far as I can tell its sturdy and it really does look great! Perfect for my needs.
Five Stars
Nice and sturdy. Easy set up Very good value.
Good value
Lots of parts but well organized, parts well identified, and instructions clear/well written. Finished product looks good and is surprisingly sturdy Assembled Quickly.
Very nice set
We bought this bunk bed set for my grandson and he loves it. It took time to assemble, but all parts were accountable; and, once assembly was completed, the set seems quite sturdy. Always great!
so far so good, 2 months in and no cracks in my
so far so good, 2 months in and no cracks in my set. i feel the planks under the mattress could be better, if you buy a cheap thin set, you will feel them all. but over all good. building it wasnt too bad. the only issue was the planks, some of them split while installing has to do with the design, they wanted more strength, so they used vertical sticks but if you drive screws through it, it tends to split anyways, it works, just could have done it alittle different in my opinion. but over all good value so far. no insecurity of safety. This works.
Totally worth the money!!
Bought this for my 4 year old son In grey. He loves it and we are super happy with it too. I cant believe how nice and sturdy it is for the price. We would recommend this to Anyone! My husband and a friend assembled it it took about 1.5 hours but wasnt bad at all. Adequate quality.
The box came in good condition. I would say give yourself about 5/6
Ordered the bed for my 6 year old son. He loves it. The box came in good condition. I would say give yourself about 5/6 hours to set up the bed. Easy instructions but it takes 2 people to set up. Had the bed for a month so far so good. Do the work.
The bed itself is a really great piece of furniture
Ours arrived damaged. The box was really tore up and you could see exposed pieces that were scratched. I didnt want to deal with sending it back and waiting for a new one so were with it. The bed itself is a really great piece of furniture. Easy to put together, nice colors, and looks great in my kids room. Awesome!
Awesome product!
Bed is awesome! The 3 extra legs under bed are not great but still overall i am very happy with this bed and my kids enjoy it very much. Fair for the price.
Great buy!!
The only negative thing I can say about this bed, is that it does take some time to put together and the number stickers do leave some residue behind when you peel them off. Some sweat and a few choice words for sure, but overall pretty strait forward construction if you follow the directionsI was concerned given some reviews that the quality was questionable but as far as I can tell its sturdy and it really does look great! Perfect for my needs.
Very sturdy. Not cheap particle board at all
Very sturdy. Not cheap particle board at all. Youre gonna have to set some time aside to put this together. The small person loves it! HAPPY!!
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