I decided to use my stand as a bar stand. I get so many compliments on my stand and I love it so much. Its my favorite thing in my kitchen. Easy assemble. Very sturdy. Definitely worth it.
a sturdy, well made shelf that was very easy to put together. clean weld spots, tempered glass, even paint job, properly tapped screw holes. arrived without damages or breakage despite putting the product box in a significantly larger shipping box with hardly any packing material to keep the product box from shifting. the product box was damaged slightly but all components were fine. Good one.
Loved it so much, I bought two. Very easy to assemble and glass was packaged to perfection. Make sure to wait until the entire table is assembled before screwing all the bolts in and placing the glass on top. Lots of space.
Best Buy
Fits My Space Perfectly!!! So Happy I Chose This One!!! As expected.
Highly recommend
I decided to use my stand as a bar stand. I get so many compliments on my stand and I love it so much. Its my favorite thing in my kitchen. Easy assemble. Very sturdy. Definitely worth it.
a great shelf that survived s poor shipping prep
a sturdy, well made shelf that was very easy to put together. clean weld spots, tempered glass, even paint job, properly tapped screw holes. arrived without damages or breakage despite putting the product box in a significantly larger shipping box with hardly any packing material to keep the product box from shifting. the product box was damaged slightly but all components were fine. Good one.
Good size Nicely made.
as shown
This table is as shown in photos.
Perfect size. Love this table and gold color.
Perfect size. Nice table. Bought a cocktail table too. A Great Value.
Great buy
The stand was easy to add Len and study But it still works great.
Aesthetically pleasing console table
Great producthad a small scratch on one of the sidesother than that it was what we were looking for. Could be little cheaper.
Found: Best Matte Black Glass Table
Loved it so much, I bought two. Very easy to assemble and glass was packaged to perfection. Make sure to wait until the entire table is assembled before screwing all the bolts in and placing the glass on top. Lots of space.
Beautiful shelf
Stunning and beautiful! Needs.
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