I was kind of iffy about purchasing a returned item for less money but Im glad I did it it has some scratches on the front but very little I was able to paint it and cover the marks overall beautiful He loves it.
I love this table / except the assembly. The holes on the frame were not fully punctured which made it impossible to screw two pieces together in one corner BUT the rest was fine and the frame still holds sturdy so nbd My daughter love it!!!
Great Piece for the Price!
The table was super easy to put together and everything is very solid sturdy. Exactly what I was looking for! Cute.
I was kind of iffy about purchasing a returned item for less money but Im glad I did it it has some scratches on the front but very little I was able to paint it and cover the marks overall beautiful He loves it.
Nice table for the money. Easy assembly.
Nice table for the money. Easy assembly. It was easy.
as advertised
as advertised.used as a hallway decor table and hold magines and books works great.
Beautiful table, Worth the money
I love this table / except the assembly. The holes on the frame were not fully punctured which made it impossible to screw two pieces together in one corner BUT the rest was fine and the frame still holds sturdy so nbd My daughter love it!!!
Chips to easily. Not real metal. Gold paint over plaster
Chips to easily. Not real metal.
Sturdy and very nice
Bought this for my daughter. Her apartment is pretty small and this fit that wall perfectly Love it.
Well/designed, well/built and easy to assemble
Really like the dimensions of this shelf, because it fits perfectly behind the gold settee, so the bronze color goes well too. Quality is excellent // no dings, abrasions or other shipping damage, despite the packing material (Styrofoam© shapes) being destroyed during shipment, with a huge gouge in the packing crate. Disregarding interruptions, assembly required about a half hour with the included Allen wrench. It is critical to read and follow the directions // especially dont tighten the screws until you have adjusted the level, installed the plastic bubbles and the glass shelves. Looks great and works like a charm. Highly recommended. Save some money and buy this.
Looks really nice in person
This console table looks great behind my leather sofa. It was easy to put together and its very sturdy. I would buy again. Expected.
Easy to assemble and a gorgeous piece Assembling.
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