This table was easy to assemble and we love it for its ability to fit into a tight space (its only 10 deep) yet provide much needed shelf space in the kitchen/dining area. The glass is easy to keep clean and is durable. A much nicer piece than those utility carts that have metal shelves that allow items to fall through or awkwardly sit on (unstable). Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Easy to put together. I was able to do it by myself (some reviews said two people were needed). Looks great in my hallway where I needed something for family photos. Overall good.
This console was fairly easy and straightforward to assemble. There were minor imperfections on the nickel frame, but nothing too obvious. I dont recall the instructions being very helpful, but with a little common sense (or trial and error) its not too difficult. For the top shelf, make sure the pieces are all facing the correct way, so the glass rests on the interior ledge. I screwed in each of the long middle pieces to one of the shorter side frames first. Then, put together and screwed in all of the long middle pieces to the second shorter side frame // you have to assemble all of these at the same time before screwing in.
Only one of the parts was not perfectly aligned with the screws. It was difficult to screw in the pieces, but I somehow made it work. Wipe down the pieces before putting down on your carpet or floors / there was a black residue on the nickel frame.
The glass is good quality and arrived unbroken. This console is sitting pretty in my bedroom; using the top as a vanity, and the other shelfs for my purses and jewelry. Great price and somewhat durable.
I like the product but one of the glass shelves has a band of discoloration on it. doesnt have an option to replace defective pieces. I dont want to take apart to return the whole thing. Isnt there another option? Super small!
Simple, yet lovely, table for small spaces
This table was easy to assemble and we love it for its ability to fit into a tight space (its only 10 deep) yet provide much needed shelf space in the kitchen/dining area. The glass is easy to keep clean and is durable. A much nicer piece than those utility carts that have metal shelves that allow items to fall through or awkwardly sit on (unstable). Pretty sturdy. Good size.
The best
So happy with this product. It arrived quickly and was super simple to assemble. Definitely recommend!! Really Worth it
Love my new console table!! Fits perfect in my small dining room. Big enough to fit both decor and dining ware. I so love it! Not so bad.
Easy to put together. I was able to do it by myself (some reviews said two people were needed). Looks great in my hallway where I needed something for family photos. Overall good.
Great product
Great product and great price. This item is good! Satisfied.
Great space for my collection.
This gold shelf was perfect for my space. It was sturdy modern and a beautiful addition to my living room. Well made and packaged.
Easy to assemble (with some common sense)
This console was fairly easy and straightforward to assemble. There were minor imperfections on the nickel frame, but nothing too obvious. I dont recall the instructions being very helpful, but with a little common sense (or trial and error) its not too difficult. For the top shelf, make sure the pieces are all facing the correct way, so the glass rests on the interior ledge. I screwed in each of the long middle pieces to one of the shorter side frames first. Then, put together and screwed in all of the long middle pieces to the second shorter side frame // you have to assemble all of these at the same time before screwing in. Only one of the parts was not perfectly aligned with the screws. It was difficult to screw in the pieces, but I somehow made it work. Wipe down the pieces before putting down on your carpet or floors / there was a black residue on the nickel frame. The glass is good quality and arrived unbroken. This console is sitting pretty in my bedroom; using the top as a vanity, and the other shelfs for my purses and jewelry. Great price and somewhat durable.
Shelf unit is good looking, easy to assemble and fits perfectly with what I need in the dining room. Looks nice and sturdy.
Too small
Too small for the area but nice Not all material shipped.
Glass Discoloration / Would like replacement but no option but to return
I like the product but one of the glass shelves has a band of discoloration on it. doesnt have an option to replace defective pieces. I dont want to take apart to return the whole thing. Isnt there another option? Super small!
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