Wasnt sure when it arrived, because the box looked relatively small. But it was just well/packed. Great quality, very sturdy. Even included tools needed for assembly. My daughter put it together in 45 minutes. It is ok.
Not a bad clothing rack. Easy enough to assemble on my own. It has instructions simple enough to follow if you need guidance. It even came with a screwdriver included if you dont have one! Its good for my needs, not too spendy and holds my jackets! I included photos with the dimensions shown. Overpriced a bit.
Its shorter than I expected I am about 58 and its like 53 tall. Its super cute and I am so happy with it. I havent truly tested the weight yet so I am not sure about how much it can hold. It is fairly sturdy but I have carpet and that makes it a little less but not so much so it will fall over. Overall 4/5! Go for it!
We really like our open closet! Its not the tallest, but we are only putting mens and womens shirts and they fit perfectly. We did have an issue while assembling, but we reached out to the company and they responded super fast and were able to find a solution to the problem. Really wonderful customer service! Enough strength.
Doing construction to house and this became my clothes hanger. Im a little surprised by how well its holding up. I was afraid to put all my stuff on it but in no time realized I no longer have to worry about this one like others from past experiences Now even my winter coats hang off it. Might still use it after construction is finished (if ever finished). Very good.
Loved it.
Easy to assemble. Very cute. Love the material. 100 recommended. A good buy!
Pleasantly surprised
Wasnt sure when it arrived, because the box looked relatively small. But it was just well/packed. Great quality, very sturdy. Even included tools needed for assembly. My daughter put it together in 45 minutes. It is ok.
easily assembled. weakling tho
very bendy, doenst seem sturdy. but yeah works very cute very like I would buy again!
Happy with purchase
Exactly what i expected for the price. Nice size.
Decent clothing rack!
Not a bad clothing rack. Easy enough to assemble on my own. It has instructions simple enough to follow if you need guidance. It even came with a screwdriver included if you dont have one! Its good for my needs, not too spendy and holds my jackets! I included photos with the dimensions shown. Overpriced a bit.
Easy to assemble but shorter than I expected!
Its shorter than I expected I am about 58 and its like 53 tall. Its super cute and I am so happy with it. I havent truly tested the weight yet so I am not sure about how much it can hold. It is fairly sturdy but I have carpet and that makes it a little less but not so much so it will fall over. Overall 4/5! Go for it!
Nice looking open closet
We really like our open closet! Its not the tallest, but we are only putting mens and womens shirts and they fit perfectly. We did have an issue while assembling, but we reached out to the company and they responded super fast and were able to find a solution to the problem. Really wonderful customer service! Enough strength.
Sturdy for light use
Works for our guest house. The hanging bar bends slightly with heavy hanging clothing Easy to fix.
Dont look the strongest but itll surprise!!
Doing construction to house and this became my clothes hanger. Im a little surprised by how well its holding up. I was afraid to put all my stuff on it but in no time realized I no longer have to worry about this one like others from past experiences Now even my winter coats hang off it. Might still use it after construction is finished (if ever finished). Very good.
Good deal!
Easy to assemble. It is pretty sturdy for its size. Updated review
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