We have been very satisfied with this trampoline. It was easy to assemble and sturdy. Obtaining replacement enclosure poles after one was damaged due to wind was just as easy using the contact the seller link. New parts were shipped promptly.
I bought this product 4 years ago and my son and the neighborhood kids have played on it weekly throughout the 4 years and they have loved it. Recently, I installed a basketball net which was heavier than I realized when I bought it and the aluminum pole which it was attached to bent under the force of 60 MPH winds. I contacted and they responded immediately and are sending a replacement pole for under $5.00. That is great service and makes this product easy to recommend!!!!
This was a Christmas gift for my 4 children ages 12,9,7 and 4. We are now into April and my kids are jumping multiple times a day. This has been such a lifesaver during Covid-19. They have another option besides a swimming pool (its still too cold). Dont hesitate to purchase this. The safety net is sturdy and has held up with kids being on it. The quality is top-notch and my husband said it was pretty easy to assemble. Beautiful, sturdy modern design
Great product! easy to assemble my kids spend hours on this. The factory was great with getting worn out parts due to my kids playing so much on this trampoline. Best product I have found that lasts!
The trampoline itself has been wonderful (4 years old now). The mat is n grate shape, the springs are still as bouncy as when it first arrived, and its absolutely as sturdy as can be.
However -- the zipper on the net broke within the first year of use, as did the ladder that it came with. Trying to figure out how to replace them is not as easy as I wish. Overall -- very happy with this purchase. Sturdy, Modern, Easy to Assemble!
This trampoline is great. Shipping was fast, even during this crazy COViD period. Easy to install- it only took my kids and I a couple of hours. My kids love it. They stay there for hours. Its such a big help during this hard time!
Had this trampoline since 2016 and it has been great with all the neighborhoods using it for years. When the net did wear and pole protecters, this companies customer support was amazing to deal with and very responsive. Highly recommend this company.
This product came in 3 days vs. the expected 7-9 days due to our current situation in the world. The instructions were incredibly easy to follow along, and for the base I was able to employ my 6 year old to help me put it together.
I was however missing a step to the ladder and reached out to the company. They were extremely apologetic and sincere and rushed shipping the step to my door.
All in all amazing experience, great customer service, and quality product; what more could you ask for.
Boy does this get a lot of use
Bought as a gift for my nieces, they use this all the time. Great exercise and fun in one item. The girls bounce for hours! Grab it if you can
Great Product Support!
We have been very satisfied with this trampoline. It was easy to assemble and sturdy. Obtaining replacement enclosure poles after one was damaged due to wind was just as easy using the contact the seller link. New parts were shipped promptly.
Neighborhood Favorite!
I bought this product 4 years ago and my son and the neighborhood kids have played on it weekly throughout the 4 years and they have loved it. Recently, I installed a basketball net which was heavier than I realized when I bought it and the aluminum pole which it was attached to bent under the force of 60 MPH winds. I contacted and they responded immediately and are sending a replacement pole for under $5.00. That is great service and makes this product easy to recommend!!!!
Why did we wait so long to get a trampoline?
This was a Christmas gift for my 4 children ages 12,9,7 and 4. We are now into April and my kids are jumping multiple times a day. This has been such a lifesaver during Covid-19. They have another option besides a swimming pool (its still too cold). Dont hesitate to purchase this. The safety net is sturdy and has held up with kids being on it. The quality is top-notch and my husband said it was pretty easy to assemble. Beautiful, sturdy modern design
Great trampoline
Very happy with this purchase. My 2 kids 11 and 7 have a blast and there has been nothing negative to report.
Great Quality
Great product! easy to assemble my kids spend hours on this. The factory was great with getting worn out parts due to my kids playing so much on this trampoline. Best product I have found that lasts!
4 years later and still a great trampoline, sturdy and springy as when we first got it!
The trampoline itself has been wonderful (4 years old now). The mat is n grate shape, the springs are still as bouncy as when it first arrived, and its absolutely as sturdy as can be. However -- the zipper on the net broke within the first year of use, as did the ladder that it came with. Trying to figure out how to replace them is not as easy as I wish. Overall -- very happy with this purchase. Sturdy, Modern, Easy to Assemble!
Great buy for active kids during COVID
This trampoline is great. Shipping was fast, even during this crazy COViD period. Easy to install- it only took my kids and I a couple of hours. My kids love it. They stay there for hours. Its such a big help during this hard time!
Awesome customer service
Had this trampoline since 2016 and it has been great with all the neighborhoods using it for years. When the net did wear and pole protecters, this companies customer support was amazing to deal with and very responsive. Highly recommend this company.
Great product and lots of fun.
This product came in 3 days vs. the expected 7-9 days due to our current situation in the world. The instructions were incredibly easy to follow along, and for the base I was able to employ my 6 year old to help me put it together. I was however missing a step to the ladder and reached out to the company. They were extremely apologetic and sincere and rushed shipping the step to my door. All in all amazing experience, great customer service, and quality product; what more could you ask for.
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