When I got all pieces out to assemble 2 parts were scratched up. Super bummed for the price to receive damaged pieces. Otherwise I like the look of the bench and it was not very hard to assemble. Sturdiness could be better but its not flimsy. After a month of use the corner of this bench is continually falling off... the parts supplied to not hold it together and although I reattach it, it continually falls off.... super disappointed with this purchase. I would recommend buying something else... this does not seem to hold up.
Price was right on this bench, it came packaged very good with no broken parts, it came with a extra spare parts bag, assembly took about an hour and a half with the help of my wife, its a two person job to assemble this properly, to ensure no broken parts like other reviewers have encountered. The directions on the dividers were not real clear, the dowel holes could have been slightly smaller, the dowels wer pretty loose in some of the holes. Overall a great product for the money, looks good also!
Its not often you find furniture online with wooden dowels. My only gripe are that most of the dowel pin holes are slightly oversized. Kind of defeats the purpose of using them... Also, the stickers provided to cover up the cam screws dont really match the wood pattern but they are hardly noticeable.
Overall happy with the product. Wasnt expecting a hardwood piece of furniture but got a well designed MDF piece. Assembly took roughly under an hour.
Nice Bench
It looks like the description and looks great in our entryway.
Scratched parts
When I got all pieces out to assemble 2 parts were scratched up. Super bummed for the price to receive damaged pieces. Otherwise I like the look of the bench and it was not very hard to assemble. Sturdiness could be better but its not flimsy. After a month of use the corner of this bench is continually falling off... the parts supplied to not hold it together and although I reattach it, it continually falls off.... super disappointed with this purchase. I would recommend buying something else... this does not seem to hold up.
Sturdy Bench
Good buy!
Price was right on this bench, it came packaged very good with no broken parts, it came with a extra spare parts bag, assembly took about an hour and a half with the help of my wife, its a two person job to assemble this properly, to ensure no broken parts like other reviewers have encountered. The directions on the dividers were not real clear, the dowel holes could have been slightly smaller, the dowels wer pretty loose in some of the holes. Overall a great product for the money, looks good also!
Love it
This looks amazing in our foyer
Very pretty and it fit where she wanted it.
It was a gift for my wife, she liked it a lot, I assembled it when I received it and it was very easy, it was strong.
Love it
Great product!
Exactly what we were looking for.
Using in foyer of our condo. Looks very nice.
Not terrible. Good product vs cost.
Its not often you find furniture online with wooden dowels. My only gripe are that most of the dowel pin holes are slightly oversized. Kind of defeats the purpose of using them... Also, the stickers provided to cover up the cam screws dont really match the wood pattern but they are hardly noticeable. Overall happy with the product. Wasnt expecting a hardwood piece of furniture but got a well designed MDF piece. Assembly took roughly under an hour.
Very pleased.
Hard figuring out center piece but finally got it , looks beautiful.
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