I have a 4yr old and a 2yr old. I needed something that was safe for them. The fact that this bunk was pretty much on the ground made me buy it and I was not disappointed. It was easy to put together and its very sturdy. It was perfect!
For all the research we did on bunk beds this one seemed to be the perfect one for the price. Very solid piece of furniture and thats really surprising since it came from . Easy to assemble but like the other reviews say, look look look and double check or you will have to take it apart and reassemble. Kids love it. Very cute.
It was an easy build, less then an hour. Very sturdy, we have carpet and it doesnt wobble. Our boys are 5 8, and we liked this one because the bottom bed sits on floor (our oldest sleep walks). Love it.
Love this bunk bed! It is perfect for my 5 and 2 year old. It was super easy to assemble with 2 people. We did use a drill instead of the provided wrench to make the process faster, but all in all, it has everything you need, and is really sturdy. I love that it is low profile. Better directions.
It was shorter than expected. Lots of parts to as assemble. Instructions had no words. Labels are not east to find. It was a 3 in a half hour adventure for me and my child. I dont like the round poles. But really my daughter loves it. she has created a basement hangout / and upstairs lounge. Very nice.
Its great, sturdy and space saving. Took two hrs to assemble if you take your time. I love thats its full size. Ample bed space without being bulky. Its short too. Better for kids. Would definitely buy again.
My 8 year old daughter and I got this put together in about 3 hours. (There were a few breaks in between) It feels sturdy and looks sleek. Cant say anything for longevity as she hasnt slept in it yet, but I will come back in a few months to update. Shes now super excited for future sleepovers!
Edit: 5 months later and no complaints. This bed comfortably fits my 9 year old daughter and 3 friends for sleepovers. Could probably fit an additional girl on each bunk, but I do have a limit to how many kids I can handle at a time. Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
Okay, so when i saw this bunk bed, my intentions were to buy this bed for my 5 year old because she is small and i like the fact that the bottom bunk is practically on the floor and my 12 year old can be on the top for the time beinf. Well my small daughter LOVES the top bunk. I guess its because of the bed not being so tall. Im short as well so its easier for me to change the sheets which I am so happy about. My ceilings are also not that high so its perfect for a small apartment. I have no complaints. Easy to assemble with help of my kids. I have no complaints. I really recommend it. Buy it again.
Smart purchase
I have a 4yr old and a 2yr old. I needed something that was safe for them. The fact that this bunk was pretty much on the ground made me buy it and I was not disappointed. It was easy to put together and its very sturdy. It was perfect!
Worth it.
For all the research we did on bunk beds this one seemed to be the perfect one for the price. Very solid piece of furniture and thats really surprising since it came from . Easy to assemble but like the other reviews say, look look look and double check or you will have to take it apart and reassemble. Kids love it. Very cute.
Great bed
It was an easy build, less then an hour. Very sturdy, we have carpet and it doesnt wobble. Our boys are 5 8, and we liked this one because the bottom bed sits on floor (our oldest sleep walks). Love it.
Great bed!
Love this bunk bed! It is perfect for my 5 and 2 year old. It was super easy to assemble with 2 people. We did use a drill instead of the provided wrench to make the process faster, but all in all, it has everything you need, and is really sturdy. I love that it is low profile. Better directions.
My mom has learned to listen to me, BMS.
It was shorter than expected. Lots of parts to as assemble. Instructions had no words. Labels are not east to find. It was a 3 in a half hour adventure for me and my child. I dont like the round poles. But really my daughter loves it. she has created a basement hangout / and upstairs lounge. Very nice.
Not safe
Built the bed, child 32lbs slept in the bed 1 night and it broke.
Its great, sturdy and space saving. Took two hrs to assemble if you take your time. I love thats its full size. Ample bed space without being bulky. Its short too. Better for kids. Would definitely buy again.
A good buy
My 8 year old daughter and I got this put together in about 3 hours. (There were a few breaks in between) It feels sturdy and looks sleek. Cant say anything for longevity as she hasnt slept in it yet, but I will come back in a few months to update. Shes now super excited for future sleepovers! Edit: 5 months later and no complaints. This bed comfortably fits my 9 year old daughter and 3 friends for sleepovers. Could probably fit an additional girl on each bunk, but I do have a limit to how many kids I can handle at a time. Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
Short people lives matter!!!
Okay, so when i saw this bunk bed, my intentions were to buy this bed for my 5 year old because she is small and i like the fact that the bottom bunk is practically on the floor and my 12 year old can be on the top for the time beinf. Well my small daughter LOVES the top bunk. I guess its because of the bed not being so tall. Im short as well so its easier for me to change the sheets which I am so happy about. My ceilings are also not that high so its perfect for a small apartment. I have no complaints. Easy to assemble with help of my kids. I have no complaints. I really recommend it. Buy it again.
10/10 recommend
Easy for my 4 and 3 y/o to go up and down the latter. very sturdy. Recommend if your have toddlers and looking to save space! Thanks.
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