If youre looking for a compact full size bunk this is it. It is good quality, sturdy and not cheap looking. It was fairly easy to put together, two people make it much easier. No complaints, really happy
We love this bed! Delivery was SUPER fast, it was incredibly easy to put together, and my kids have already turned the bottom bunk into a fort I totally recommend it
I assembled somewhat easily, it has plastic parts to hold the metal mattress support to the side rails, and then it has a two part plastic hook thing that holds them equally spaced. Very impressed with the features of this bed. cant praise it enough!
I bought this bed as it has the shortest width I could find since my boys have a pretty small room. It fits perfect! It does sweak a bit with movement, but I guess thats to be expected. My husband put it together by himself in less than two hours. The instructions seemed to be pretty straightforward and he didnt have any problems. We did take the middle step off the ladder to prevent the baby from climbing up, and that did the trick. still feels plenty sturdy
Ive had it for about a month now, still holding up pretty good, not wobbly yet. It was easy to put together. Its a little pricey for a metal frame Best choice
Not that well sturdy but lets see how long it lasts and how well it works . Kids havent tried it out yet , but I will be doing a follow up review Comes as shown in picture.
Great for the price!
Sturdy, great bunk bed especially the price. Quality seems to be good so far
Great product
Disliked lots of pieces to assemble. Purchased for my 2 sons room. Well made and comfy!
Best Buy
Looks nice and is cheap price Tommy to go was gonna be almost 4000.00 We saved slot !! it is the best product.
Good quality, good price
If youre looking for a compact full size bunk this is it. It is good quality, sturdy and not cheap looking. It was fairly easy to put together, two people make it much easier. No complaints, really happy
Fort bed!!
We love this bed! Delivery was SUPER fast, it was incredibly easy to put together, and my kids have already turned the bottom bunk into a fort I totally recommend it
Not very tall if your looking for a bunk that still leaves head room for the top bunker simple yet awesome design
Great bed!
I assembled somewhat easily, it has plastic parts to hold the metal mattress support to the side rails, and then it has a two part plastic hook thing that holds them equally spaced. Very impressed with the features of this bed. cant praise it enough!
Fits well in a small room
I bought this bed as it has the shortest width I could find since my boys have a pretty small room. It fits perfect! It does sweak a bit with movement, but I guess thats to be expected. My husband put it together by himself in less than two hours. The instructions seemed to be pretty straightforward and he didnt have any problems. We did take the middle step off the ladder to prevent the baby from climbing up, and that did the trick. still feels plenty sturdy
Ive had it for about a month now, still holding up pretty good, not wobbly yet. It was easy to put together. Its a little pricey for a metal frame Best choice
Takes long to assemble and comes with many parts but so far it is a good bunk bed
Not that well sturdy but lets see how long it lasts and how well it works . Kids havent tried it out yet , but I will be doing a follow up review Comes as shown in picture.
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