Great sofa for small spaces, but the shipping/handling is horrible. I dont mind pay shipping and handling, but at least deliver it with care, the box even says fragile and they just threw it there. It arrived with a small defect and I would had return it if the defect was major. Not super sturdy.
Kinda stiff but nice. Super small!
Very functional. Great
Small and cute but shipping/handling is horrible
Great sofa for small spaces, but the shipping/handling is horrible. I dont mind pay shipping and handling, but at least deliver it with care, the box even says fragile and they just threw it there. It arrived with a small defect and I would had return it if the defect was major. Not super sturdy.
This is AMING!
Works great! This is AMING! So simple to put together, strong, and comfortable!!! Thank you!
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