I bought this for my son so he could put a tent around it and make it into his own little fort. It was so easy to assemble and it is very sturdy as well. My son has made so many different forts with this bed and has loved every minute of it. Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Product arrived with no instructions. Cant rate it for easy to assemble. How would I know, SMH. I was very unhappy because I was sent the item WITHOUT instructions.
Overall great bed. Was easy to assemble, but it was defective. One of the bottom legs was assembled incorrectly, thankfully my husband had the right tools to correct it the manufacturer error we were able to finish building it. Loved it so much. Comfortable and high quality!
Bed was very easy to assembly and I did it alone it would probably be quicker with 2 people. It is very sturdy my son is 5 and he climbs it often great bed for the price So far meets my expectations
I bought this for my autistic son since he destroyed his other bed. Just put it together last night and he loves it. He calls it his own house. Wasnt too hard to put together by myself just needed a hand for the top beam. Its a fantastic price.
I bought this for my son so he could put a tent around it and make it into his own little fort. It was so easy to assemble and it is very sturdy as well. My son has made so many different forts with this bed and has loved every minute of it. Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Arrived with no instructions.
Product arrived with no instructions. Cant rate it for easy to assemble. How would I know, SMH. I was very unhappy because I was sent the item WITHOUT instructions.
Perfect for my little one
It was easy to build my little one loves it Style and purpose
Aming quality and cute!!
Looks so cute!! Great transition bed frame from a crib! Decent for the price
Love this bed.
Overall great bed. Was easy to assemble, but it was defective. One of the bottom legs was assembled incorrectly, thankfully my husband had the right tools to correct it the manufacturer error we were able to finish building it. Loved it so much. Comfortable and high quality!
Place where screw goes is bent insides and wont let the screw go in.
Not able to put one of the screws in. The metal piece inside the hole is bent and flat. Dont buy this product
Absolutely adorable!
Super easy to assemble and high quality, sturdy materials. Exactly what we were looking for. ALL GOOD!
Great bed
Bed was very easy to assembly and I did it alone it would probably be quicker with 2 people. It is very sturdy my son is 5 and he climbs it often great bed for the price So far meets my expectations
Very cute and sturdy.
Nice wood framed, very sturdy. Easy to assemble but need two people. Granddaughter loves it. Lovely for the price
My son loves it
I bought this for my autistic son since he destroyed his other bed. Just put it together last night and he loves it. He calls it his own house. Wasnt too hard to put together by myself just needed a hand for the top beam. Its a fantastic price.
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