Great stool. The rollerblader wheels do not damage my hardwood or hard surface floors. Very easy to assemble. Easy to move around. I have mobility issues and use this stool to move around kitchen and bedroom when performing household chores. Nice fit.
I bought this to use in our shop and wanted a stool that was sturdy and adjustable. This is a very heavy duty stool that easily adjusts in height. The rollers are sturdy and move easily. I have been using this stool regularly since I bought it and have had absolutely no problems. It also arrived in perfect shape and was easy to put together. Definitely recommend. Needs.
I bought it to scoot around the kitchen, I have serious back issues, and i thought this might allow me to cook more, with less pain from getting up and down, i spent 70 because i am heavy and i wanted sturdy. Well if it holds all that weight, why? is the seat so small, and slippery as well, leaning forward or back it goes out from underneath quite easily, my home health banned me from using it, she was using it and twice, it slipped underneath her and seriously hurt her hip, so why so sliperry a seat and the size seat for a child.
When I received the stool, it was incredibly nice, easy to assemble, and sturdy. The height was slightly too high for my application. I emailed the customer service team they responded immediately. They were able to quickly mail to me a shorter gas lift cylinder (also available on ). It now is perfect for our application. I was amed at the service provided! Buy It.
Nice looking, sturdy roller stool. I purchased it to use at my vanity and occasionally in the kitchen. It has more height variability than others which allows the use in different settings. At the lowest level, it stores out of the way under the vanity. One improvement I would make, is to have a built in foot rest. Im 54 and my feet dont touch the floor at the higher setting. I was aware of this issue when purchased it; I just couldnt find a stool that met all of my other specifications and a foot rest in this price range. Yes please!
Purchased stool for Ortho exam room. Excellent wheels! Smooth and quiet. Comfortable seat.
Would be better if it went a little lower for foot and ankle exams. Worked for my use.
I absolutely love this chair! The wheels are a good size, and made of Inline skate material, so they roll beautifully. The seat is just the right diameter and it raises and lowers quietly. At its lowest setting, it IS a bit higher than the average stool/ but i LIKE that.
I had 1 issue with the stool where the base was bent/ but customer service was RIGHT THERE to problem solve for me. They are a great company and would absolutely recommend this chair and this company over and over again. Very nice product!
Easy mobility
Great stool. The rollerblader wheels do not damage my hardwood or hard surface floors. Very easy to assemble. Easy to move around. I have mobility issues and use this stool to move around kitchen and bedroom when performing household chores. Nice fit.
Sturdy and easy to adjust.
I bought this to use in our shop and wanted a stool that was sturdy and adjustable. This is a very heavy duty stool that easily adjusts in height. The rollers are sturdy and move easily. I have been using this stool regularly since I bought it and have had absolutely no problems. It also arrived in perfect shape and was easy to put together. Definitely recommend. Needs.
I bought it to scoot around the kitchen, I have serious back issues, and i thought this might allow me to cook more, with less pain from getting up and down, i spent 70 because i am heavy and i wanted sturdy. Well if it holds all that weight, why? is the seat so small, and slippery as well, leaning forward or back it goes out from underneath quite easily, my home health banned me from using it, she was using it and twice, it slipped underneath her and seriously hurt her hip, so why so sliperry a seat and the size seat for a child.
Wonderful customer service!
When I received the stool, it was incredibly nice, easy to assemble, and sturdy. The height was slightly too high for my application. I emailed the customer service team they responded immediately. They were able to quickly mail to me a shorter gas lift cylinder (also available on ). It now is perfect for our application. I was amed at the service provided! Buy It.
Nice stool. Works perfect. Fits.
Overall, pleased with the purchase.
Nice looking, sturdy roller stool. I purchased it to use at my vanity and occasionally in the kitchen. It has more height variability than others which allows the use in different settings. At the lowest level, it stores out of the way under the vanity. One improvement I would make, is to have a built in foot rest. Im 54 and my feet dont touch the floor at the higher setting. I was aware of this issue when purchased it; I just couldnt find a stool that met all of my other specifications and a foot rest in this price range. Yes please!
Excellent professional purchase
Purchased stool for Ortho exam room. Excellent wheels! Smooth and quiet. Comfortable seat. Would be better if it went a little lower for foot and ankle exams. Worked for my use.
Easy to assemble
Good for my office. I use it to conduct EMDR therapy with clients. Its sturdy and comfortable. Very helpful.
Sturdy professional chair
Sturdy little chair Very compact.
favorite stool so far
I absolutely love this chair! The wheels are a good size, and made of Inline skate material, so they roll beautifully. The seat is just the right diameter and it raises and lowers quietly. At its lowest setting, it IS a bit higher than the average stool/ but i LIKE that. I had 1 issue with the stool where the base was bent/ but customer service was RIGHT THERE to problem solve for me. They are a great company and would absolutely recommend this chair and this company over and over again. Very nice product!
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