It's easy to assemble and instructions are clear. It took one hour to set it up. It's heavy duty metal n sturdy. I m happy to got this for my kids. My kids love this bunk bed.
not as strong as i thought my daughter climed up the ladder when she went over the bar it bent. And the bed is also a little wobbly. But its been up for 3 weeks now so far so good. Its serving its purpose.
Great deal. Designed to be strong. The rods that serve as a bed base tended to come out of their base when placing the mattresses. With time it goes. We had to make adjustments for the mattress pcq 8 in. max. thickness. if thicker at the top the child is too close to the top of the barrier and at the bottom if more than 8 in.. we hit his head. The children look happy.
One screw portion wouldnt enter for some reason. Seems the inside was stripped or something. But otherwise really sturdy and cute. Pretty high, it allows for under bed storage.
I loved all the rubber fittings which keep this bed from squeaking. They also helped cinch all the pieces nice and tight so the frame feels very sturdy.
Black finish
very suitable for our bedroom
Strong holds in place
It's good I love it easy peasie kids loves it
Overall good product
It's easy to assemble and instructions are clear. It took one hour to set it up. It's heavy duty metal n sturdy. I m happy to got this for my kids. My kids love this bunk bed.
Its ok
not as strong as i thought my daughter climed up the ladder when she went over the bar it bent. And the bed is also a little wobbly. But its been up for 3 weeks now so far so good. Its serving its purpose.
Great product.
Very sturdy and easy to assemble.
Great deal
Great deal. Designed to be strong. The rods that serve as a bed base tended to come out of their base when placing the mattresses. With time it goes. We had to make adjustments for the mattress pcq 8 in. max. thickness. if thicker at the top the child is too close to the top of the barrier and at the bottom if more than 8 in.. we hit his head. The children look happy.
Great but one screw came stripped/wouldnt turn in the bed
One screw portion wouldnt enter for some reason. Seems the inside was stripped or something. But otherwise really sturdy and cute. Pretty high, it allows for under bed storage.
Great bunk bed
This is a great bunk bed, only problem we had was one of the bars that go under the beds was too short,
Rubber fittings keep it from squeaking!
I loved all the rubber fittings which keep this bed from squeaking. They also helped cinch all the pieces nice and tight so the frame feels very sturdy.
Good product for price paid
Perfect size for the space we needed to put it
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