This was the perfect bed for my teenage daughter. Seems well made for the cost. My daughter loves it. Dont understand why it gets bad reviews or the issues along with the bad reviews. Simple and does the job.
We have had this loft bed for one year and it has worked well. Our 13 year old son loves it. Its sturdy. Our son helped assemble this with his dad/my husband. It took them a couple of hours and seemed fairly easy to assemble. Cool!!
I have a 15 year old daughter, which is who I bought this bed for. We had to move her into a smaller bedroom which she was not happy about. I had the idea to get her a loft bed to help increase the amount of floor space. Well she loves her room now. The bed is stylish and sturdy. It did take 2 adults to assemble, but the instructions were clear. She has a small couch and TV underneath, so shes got her only little babe cave as we call it. And you cant beat the price. Worth it! She loves it.
As an adult buying this bed for myself I was a little concerned about support. Well this bed is great and freed up tons of space in my bedroom. I live in an expensive neighborhood and space is very valuable, now I have all my synthesizers and music equipment under my bed, easily accessible! Great buy! It was perfect!
It was easy to put together. Seems to be of good quality, and sturdy, however it is not white.
Good value
What I expected! It works great! Thank you!
Perfect for teen daughter
This was the perfect bed for my teenage daughter. Seems well made for the cost. My daughter loves it. Dont understand why it gets bad reviews or the issues along with the bad reviews. Simple and does the job.
Great bed for toddler to grow into
Its a great color and sturdy. Assembly took a couple hours but was completed basically by 1 Dad. Well worth the price. Very sturdy.
Great and sturdy loft bed!
We have had this loft bed for one year and it has worked well. Our 13 year old son loves it. Its sturdy. Our son helped assemble this with his dad/my husband. It took them a couple of hours and seemed fairly easy to assemble. Cool!!
Very Happy
I have a 15 year old daughter, which is who I bought this bed for. We had to move her into a smaller bedroom which she was not happy about. I had the idea to get her a loft bed to help increase the amount of floor space. Well she loves her room now. The bed is stylish and sturdy. It did take 2 adults to assemble, but the instructions were clear. She has a small couch and TV underneath, so shes got her only little babe cave as we call it. And you cant beat the price. Worth it! She loves it.
This is the espresso and worth every penny Love it.
Love it
Wobbles a little but I expected that. My dauggters love their beds. Great value. Very sturdy.
Great value!
Great value! Bought this for Christmas!! Still love it.
Great buy!
As an adult buying this bed for myself I was a little concerned about support. Well this bed is great and freed up tons of space in my bedroom. I live in an expensive neighborhood and space is very valuable, now I have all my synthesizers and music equipment under my bed, easily accessible! Great buy! It was perfect!
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