Bought this bed for my daughter and she loved it. (Shes 9). My husband put it together in about a hour, he used a power drill which saved a lot of time. Very sturdy and worth the price. Satisfied.
I received this item pretty fast. Takes A LOT of patience. It took me alone about 4 hours to assemble. Theres a key that is used for most of the bolts. My thumb hurt so bad after I was done. I needed a loft with a desk that was not too big for a small apartment bedroom. It was perfect! My daughter loves her new bed. Desk is nice and sturdy for virtual learning. As expected, thank you!
We ordered 2 of these for my youngest son and nephew who are sharing a room right now. Theyre fairly easy to put together, with very clear instructions and clearly labeled parts/pieces. We were able to assemble both beds in around 3.5 hours.
Both beds have a fairly decent wobble to them, which bother both kids, but theyre getting used to it. Im not sure how long these will stand up to the test of two pre/teens/teenagers, but for now theyll do the job. Overpriced.
I only gave 4 stars because I CANNOT stand getting to a screw that does not line up with the holes its supposed to go into (AGGRAVATION!!) I literally got to the last screw and it didnt line up. All of the screws were left loose as suggested until the very end and STILL, this one didnt match up.
However, its still a good purchase. Its seems to be sturdy enough where it wont fall apart, though it wobbles a little when my daughter climbs up but that could just be because it is so tall. My daughter is 170lbs and it holds her well, never heard a squeak or any creaking from the bed.
NOTE: CHECK CHECK AND RECHECK THE MEASUREMENTS so that you get the correct mattress to fit because this bed does not fit a standard twin mattress. You need a longer, thinner mattress so just beware.
The desk feature is way better than I had in my mind even after seeing the pic. The desk surface is bigger than I imagined, great amount of space for studying.
The height of the space underneath the bed is also great. I am 59 and dont have to bend much to go under. My daughter is 54 and just barley has to nod in order to go under.
Overall, I would recommend. Simple and does the job.
Its a nice bed and we like, however I would not recommend anyone buy this. The problem is with assembly, the hardware is inserted into to wood before its painted. The paint dries and when you tighten the bolt down the insets hardware starts spinning and comes out the back of the wood. Its ok but smaller than expected.
Perfect for my daughter
Easy love it Good!!
Not sturdy but easy to put together
Its not sturdy Not super sturdy.
Nice bed, great price!
Bought this bed for my daughter and she loved it. (Shes 9). My husband put it together in about a hour, he used a power drill which saved a lot of time. Very sturdy and worth the price. Satisfied.
Just what I wanted
I received this item pretty fast. Takes A LOT of patience. It took me alone about 4 hours to assemble. Theres a key that is used for most of the bolts. My thumb hurt so bad after I was done. I needed a loft with a desk that was not too big for a small apartment bedroom. It was perfect! My daughter loves her new bed. Desk is nice and sturdy for virtual learning. As expected, thank you!
GREAT VALUE AND BETTER THAN 1000 bed that we used to have
Not the sturdiest
We ordered 2 of these for my youngest son and nephew who are sharing a room right now. Theyre fairly easy to put together, with very clear instructions and clearly labeled parts/pieces. We were able to assemble both beds in around 3.5 hours. Both beds have a fairly decent wobble to them, which bother both kids, but theyre getting used to it. Im not sure how long these will stand up to the test of two pre/teens/teenagers, but for now theyll do the job. Overpriced.
Beautiful and sturdy
My daughter did in love with this bed! She can do school work at the desk and sleep comfortably and secure in the bed! It works great! Thank you!
Its a good bed
I only gave 4 stars because I CANNOT stand getting to a screw that does not line up with the holes its supposed to go into (AGGRAVATION!!) I literally got to the last screw and it didnt line up. All of the screws were left loose as suggested until the very end and STILL, this one didnt match up. However, its still a good purchase. Its seems to be sturdy enough where it wont fall apart, though it wobbles a little when my daughter climbs up but that could just be because it is so tall. My daughter is 170lbs and it holds her well, never heard a squeak or any creaking from the bed. NOTE: CHECK CHECK AND RECHECK THE MEASUREMENTS so that you get the correct mattress to fit because this bed does not fit a standard twin mattress. You need a longer, thinner mattress so just beware. The desk feature is way better than I had in my mind even after seeing the pic. The desk surface is bigger than I imagined, great amount of space for studying. The height of the space underneath the bed is also great. I am 59 and dont have to bend much to go under. My daughter is 54 and just barley has to nod in order to go under. Overall, I would recommend. Simple and does the job.
Great for the price
For the amount of space i had to work with this bed fits perfectly. I just wish i had the option of putting the ladder on either side. Very sturdy.
Bad harware
Its a nice bed and we like, however I would not recommend anyone buy this. The problem is with assembly, the hardware is inserted into to wood before its painted. The paint dries and when you tighten the bolt down the insets hardware starts spinning and comes out the back of the wood. Its ok but smaller than expected.
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