Extremely easy to assemble. Very sturdy. It said it was offered in white and gray. I ordered the white, but its definitely not white. Its more of a beige or linen color.
Took under an hour to assemble. The frame is beautiful and good value. The height is also adjustable. Only problem is there was a rip in the front frame, disappointing but still good overall.
This bed is perfect! We have had it for a couple months now and holds up great. We had to buy a box spring just because we didnt like how low the bed was. Assembly was pretty tough but we got it done. This bed is very sturdy and we havent had any issues.
I really like the headboard but my husband was annoyed that some of the instructions werent as clear as he would have liked. He was still able to put it together without much difficulty though. We are concerned that it may not hold up to as much weight as it says. Well see.
Beautiful, good product!Definitely just as described!!!!!!!
Great bed
Extremely easy to assemble. Very sturdy. It said it was offered in white and gray. I ordered the white, but its definitely not white. Its more of a beige or linen color.
Ok product based on price point.
Ok product based on price point.
Easy assembly, good value!
Took under an hour to assemble. The frame is beautiful and good value. The height is also adjustable. Only problem is there was a rip in the front frame, disappointing but still good overall.
Looks great
Decent wish it was more study
Great king bed frame
This bed frame is affordable, easy to assemble, and very sturdy. Its beige like color and I totally love it. Very worth the money!
Great bed for a low price!
This bed is perfect! We have had it for a couple months now and holds up great. We had to buy a box spring just because we didnt like how low the bed was. Assembly was pretty tough but we got it done. This bed is very sturdy and we havent had any issues.
Its very difficult to put together
Its very difficult to put together
Love it
I love the look how firm it is But I must say it came it a lot of pieces Easy to put together tho
Pretty headboard, a little bit of a pain though
I really like the headboard but my husband was annoyed that some of the instructions werent as clear as he would have liked. He was still able to put it together without much difficulty though. We are concerned that it may not hold up to as much weight as it says. Well see.
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