This entryway table looks so nice in person. Its exactly what I was looking for. It was so easy to put together, it took me like 10 minutes. Quality products.
Sturdy for light items. This arrived broken originally and was very promptly replaced. Replacement was perfect, quick to assemble. BUT be aware, the little drawers are not on any kind of track and are not smooth to pull out at all. But for me, it was more for looks than function, but this shouldve been designed w more thought.
Got this as part of my new set. All I needed to do was add the legs and baskets! Sturdy and super easy to assemble! Well worth the price! Pretty sturdy. Good size.
It pairs wonderfully with a 43 in TV. It works for 43 in not only because of the dimensions but the TV weight is so much less than the console so it is completely sturdy and reliable Really Worth it
much smaller than pictured. The table looks really good and the style was exactly what I had looked for BUT the quality of workmanship is not good. The unit comes assembled with just the legs and shelf to attach. The predrilled hole for one leg had split the wood but it was not broken and I put it on the back corner. Both of the back supports for the center drawer were split from the hardware already assembled. The drawer is resting on its side supports but I will not use it or at least not put much in it. My last complaint was the packing material was awful. Nothing was wrapped in plastic and the contents had ground a lot of the styrofoam into little pieces that were stuck everywhere. Not peanuts but energized grains that I am still vacuuming up and trying to remove from the baskets. The table looked good enough that I didnt attempt to repack and return, it is usable but I wished the quality had been as good as the looks.
It was easy to put together. The size and color was perfect, and it was exactly what I wanted for the space. Solid and basic.
I get a lot a compliments, east to put together Smaller than I expected.
So. The
Nice well made.
Love it!!
This entryway table looks so nice in person. Its exactly what I was looking for. It was so easy to put together, it took me like 10 minutes. Quality products.
Beautiful and fuctional
This is a beautiful piece of furniture and its well/made and it was very easy to put together Nice product.
Cute little entry table, but rough drawers
Sturdy for light items. This arrived broken originally and was very promptly replaced. Replacement was perfect, quick to assemble. BUT be aware, the little drawers are not on any kind of track and are not smooth to pull out at all. But for me, it was more for looks than function, but this shouldve been designed w more thought.
Beautiful piece!
Got this as part of my new set. All I needed to do was add the legs and baskets! Sturdy and super easy to assemble! Well worth the price! Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Perfect Gorgeous!!
It pairs wonderfully with a 43 in TV. It works for 43 in not only because of the dimensions but the TV weight is so much less than the console so it is completely sturdy and reliable Really Worth it
Looks good but quality issues
much smaller than pictured. The table looks really good and the style was exactly what I had looked for BUT the quality of workmanship is not good. The unit comes assembled with just the legs and shelf to attach. The predrilled hole for one leg had split the wood but it was not broken and I put it on the back corner. Both of the back supports for the center drawer were split from the hardware already assembled. The drawer is resting on its side supports but I will not use it or at least not put much in it. My last complaint was the packing material was awful. Nothing was wrapped in plastic and the contents had ground a lot of the styrofoam into little pieces that were stuck everywhere. Not peanuts but energized grains that I am still vacuuming up and trying to remove from the baskets. The table looked good enough that I didnt attempt to repack and return, it is usable but I wished the quality had been as good as the looks.
The easiest thing Ive ever put together!
Comes in two pieces you only have to screw on legs! Good quality and super cute! Not so bad.
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