Great price and somewhat durable. The bed frame looks nice but when assembling a couple of parts were labeled incorrectly. Wood on one of the parts was cracked. My daughter loves her bed but I guess I will have to replace in a near future.
Its cute but not very sturdy.
And as other poster have pointed out the frame is much larger than a twin mattress but you can kind of cover up with bedding and body pillow stuffed in the front.Not super sturdy.
Great! Once we figured out the instruction labeling it was pretty easy to assemble. Assembly required 2 people so my 8 year old was great little helper and we were able to put it together in about an hour and a half. Definitely great product for the price!
Love but damaged
Great price and somewhat durable. The bed frame looks nice but when assembling a couple of parts were labeled incorrectly. Wood on one of the parts was cracked. My daughter loves her bed but I guess I will have to replace in a near future.
Thumbs up
Looks nice and sturdy. Easy to put together, took my husband less than 30 minutes. Great quality for price!
Great guy
thanks great product. I bought this for my baby girl. Its so cute and its a style that can last. I love the fact that its a floor bed, for her safety.
Its nice
easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver. This is for an Twin XL not a regular twin but still very nice.
Great bed for kids.
Looks solid, easy to assemble. My kids loves this and it was easy to set up and sturdy. Was nervous about this but it met all my expectations.
Good quality. Easy to assemble. Sturdy
Not very sturdy
Its cute but not very sturdy. And as other poster have pointed out the frame is much larger than a twin mattress but you can kind of cover up with bedding and body pillow stuffed in the front.Not super sturdy.
Awesome with curtains
Value for money. Loved that it fits around a twin bed frame
Easy to assemble and looks great!
Great! Once we figured out the instruction labeling it was pretty easy to assemble. Assembly required 2 people so my 8 year old was great little helper and we were able to put it together in about an hour and a half. Definitely great product for the price!
Cute but not built to last
Good quality. Cute, but MUCH bigger than a twin mattress and not very sturdy.
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