Good quality. I was excited to find this bed at such an affordable price. We use it for 2 twin beds for toddlers. It is decently sturdy maybe not for a grown adult but for children under 5. It does not have my 5 star review because after we got it put together we realized we were missing one of the support bars for between the legs.
Good. Once my grandson saw the slide he would not leave us alone to complete the build then he played for a long time up/down/up down. I would prefer the mattress area be about 4 inches deeper. He has a deep mattress and it fit to the level of the side rails and didnt provide any roll out protection (we placed a mesh bed rail there to protect him).
I feel there was not enough protection in the packaging because one of the pieces was seriously dented fortunately it did not effect the build and all went together easily.
Kids love it easy to put together. My son absolutely loves this junior loft bed with slide . Im so happy with this purchase so far . The delivery was excellent; it arrived earlier than expected . Just make sure you read the instructions and have someone to help you with the assembly . Although, its possible to assemble alone; help will make it a lot easier . I was a little nervous about the bed fitting but it fits perfectly . Bed is very sturdy thus far (only been having it for two weeks) . I am overall satisfied with this product .
Cute bed but not the greatest quality. Its creaky almost a bit wobbly but for 200 you get what you pay for. Its also dangerous to little kids should probably be child proofed for young ones. The slide is fast fun its a great hight for children.does the job.
Perfect. My 2 and 3 yr olds LOVE this bed. It is all they talk about for a month now! Im a little iffy on it because, even after tightening all of the screws down, it STILL wiggles a little bit. But, it has held my kiddos with no issues. My daughter did get hurt on the slide, because the tiny holes are perfect for toddlers to get fingers stuck when inevitably climbing UP the slide lol. But overall, good product, and we love it. I will definitely be buying a 2nd for my middle child asap!
This is a great bed! It is sturdy and was easy to put together! Kids love the slide and building a secret hideout under the bed! So glad I purchased this bed!
I highly recommend! Very easy to assemble!
Aming product. Easy to put together, hubby needed a stronger Allen wrench, the one they give you is weak. The loft underneath is more of a kids hideaway so of you are over 4 foot tall youll need to duck. Kind of wish that the slide would fold and stow away because it takes up a lot of our sons room. But all and all very cool! Takes up less space.
Great! Its very cute for my 5yr old twins update! It lasted less than a year
Least expensive option but you get what you pay for
Good quality. I was excited to find this bed at such an affordable price. We use it for 2 twin beds for toddlers. It is decently sturdy maybe not for a grown adult but for children under 5. It does not have my 5 star review because after we got it put together we realized we were missing one of the support bars for between the legs.
Grandson loves it/bed area not made for a deep mattress
Good. Once my grandson saw the slide he would not leave us alone to complete the build then he played for a long time up/down/up down. I would prefer the mattress area be about 4 inches deeper. He has a deep mattress and it fit to the level of the side rails and didnt provide any roll out protection (we placed a mesh bed rail there to protect him). I feel there was not enough protection in the packaging because one of the pieces was seriously dented fortunately it did not effect the build and all went together easily.
Kids love it easy to put together. My son absolutely loves this junior loft bed with slide . Im so happy with this purchase so far . The delivery was excellent; it arrived earlier than expected . Just make sure you read the instructions and have someone to help you with the assembly . Although, its possible to assemble alone; help will make it a lot easier . I was a little nervous about the bed fitting but it fits perfectly . Bed is very sturdy thus far (only been having it for two weeks) . I am overall satisfied with this product .
Cute bed for my daughter but not the greatest quality
Cute bed but not the greatest quality. Its creaky almost a bit wobbly but for 200 you get what you pay for. Its also dangerous to little kids should probably be child proofed for young ones. The slide is fast fun its a great hight for children.does the job.
1/2 HRS set up, wiggly but otherwise good
Perfect. My 2 and 3 yr olds LOVE this bed. It is all they talk about for a month now! Im a little iffy on it because, even after tightening all of the screws down, it STILL wiggles a little bit. But, it has held my kiddos with no issues. My daughter did get hurt on the slide, because the tiny holes are perfect for toddlers to get fingers stuck when inevitably climbing UP the slide lol. But overall, good product, and we love it. I will definitely be buying a 2nd for my middle child asap!
What a great bed!
This is a great bed! It is sturdy and was easy to put together! Kids love the slide and building a secret hideout under the bed! So glad I purchased this bed! I highly recommend! Very easy to assemble!
Nice but overpriced
Its a good bed but I think its overpriced. My son is happy, we built it in an hour and wasnt hard if you follow the instructions.Good for its value.
Wish I had one.
Aming product. Easy to put together, hubby needed a stronger Allen wrench, the one they give you is weak. The loft underneath is more of a kids hideaway so of you are over 4 foot tall youll need to duck. Kind of wish that the slide would fold and stow away because it takes up a lot of our sons room. But all and all very cool! Takes up less space.
Great for toddlers
Easy assembly. My toddlers like it. Slide does take up alot of space thought
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