Looks nice and sturdy. Great loveseat for the price. Easy to assemble and fairy sturdy. Remember you get what you pay for and for the price this is very nice.
thanks great product. It was easy to assemble, probably took me 20 minutes total. Its a little stiff but should get better with usage. The fabric is soft and fits nicely in my small apartment.
easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver. Three stars for quality/comfort. Not bad / but you get what you paid for. The extra star is because it was at least comfy enough for my 6yo to fall asleep on twice, which kept his bed/hogging self out of my bed. TWICE!
Its ok but smaller than expected.The assembly is easy as long as you have two people to do it. The couch did come smaller than I expected. One of the leg stands came with a rip in the fabric. Over all, it beats the comfort of the last couch we had.
This was a nightmare to assemble. The material was cheap looking consumed other pieces of items fast like dirt I sent back on May 13th you got product on may18th I was my refund.
Good for the price
Looks nice and sturdy. Great loveseat for the price. Easy to assemble and fairy sturdy. Remember you get what you pay for and for the price this is very nice.
Nice little loveseat
thanks great product. It was easy to assemble, probably took me 20 minutes total. Its a little stiff but should get better with usage. The fabric is soft and fits nicely in my small apartment.
Its nice.
Not super sturdy. It was a little tricky to assemble without help.
easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver. Three stars for quality/comfort. Not bad / but you get what you paid for. The extra star is because it was at least comfy enough for my 6yo to fall asleep on twice, which kept his bed/hogging self out of my bed. TWICE!
Damaged product
Overpriced Product came damaged, I want exchange. Check the arm of the sofa for 2 holes
Good value for your bucks!
Looks solid, easy to assemble. This loveseat was just as described. Easy to assemble. Study, I feel as if it is worth the money.
Assemble with two people
Its ok but smaller than expected.The assembly is easy as long as you have two people to do it. The couch did come smaller than I expected. One of the leg stands came with a rip in the fabric. Over all, it beats the comfort of the last couch we had.
Love it!
Good quality. Perfect little cute couch
Product view
This was a nightmare to assemble. The material was cheap looking consumed other pieces of items fast like dirt I sent back on May 13th you got product on may18th I was my refund.
Value for money.Easy to assemble sturdy
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