Bought for my 12 year old daughters room, seems super sturdy, very cute, overall easy to put together (took about 2 hours by myself) has been up for about a month now, no problems so far!
I was impressed with this frame when it came in the mail. I found no imperfections or dents. It was very easy to setup. Definitely worth the price. The frame is sturdy and solid. The hidden shelves in the headboard is clever and stylish. You would never know it was there unless someone showed it to you. I definitely recommend buying this bed frame.
We were pleasantly surprised to find that this was exactly what we wanted: an affordable, no boxspring needed bedframe. My husband had it put together in 40 minutes, and I was surprised at the quality of the material. No chipping/rips and very sturdy.
This bed is perfect for my 8 year old grandson. It's easy to simply change the linens as he grows and the extra storage should make it a little easier to put parts and pieces away or at least out of sight.
Easy assembly. Easy to follow directions with lots of pictures. I love this bed. Its extremely sturdy with extra supports included. So happy I bought this. Outlets and usb are very handy. Added led lights to make it even better.
Bed Frame
It says it takes two people to put together and I did it myself in about 90 minutes very comfortable and sturdy
Nice bed frame
I Absolutely love it
Bought for my 12 year old daughters room, seems super sturdy, very cute, overall easy to put together (took about 2 hours by myself) has been up for about a month now, no problems so far!
well designed and sturdy for the price
I was impressed with this frame when it came in the mail. I found no imperfections or dents. It was very easy to setup. Definitely worth the price. The frame is sturdy and solid. The hidden shelves in the headboard is clever and stylish. You would never know it was there unless someone showed it to you. I definitely recommend buying this bed frame.
Great addition to our bedroom.
We were pleasantly surprised to find that this was exactly what we wanted: an affordable, no boxspring needed bedframe. My husband had it put together in 40 minutes, and I was surprised at the quality of the material. No chipping/rips and very sturdy.
This should take him into his adult years.
This bed is perfect for my 8 year old grandson. It's easy to simply change the linens as he grows and the extra storage should make it a little easier to put parts and pieces away or at least out of sight.
This is the bed to buy!!
Easy assembly. Easy to follow directions with lots of pictures. I love this bed. Its extremely sturdy with extra supports included. So happy I bought this. Outlets and usb are very handy. Added led lights to make it even better.
Its perfect!
I love it! Its a good bed for a couple!
Get a box spring and you have to put the head board legs together. Not one piece legs
Having to piece the legs together on the head board. Did not like. And you do need a box to bring the mattress up to where its subpost to be
Great bed frame
Love this so much. Sturdy enough for late night activities.
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