This came very well packaged. The assembly instructions were clear and the parts were well labeled. It is easy to assemble with one person. The frame is very sturdy and we are quite pleased with the quality for the money.
It looks even better than in the picture. Im bought it as a couch/bed combo in my spare room where I have office. Since then my adult daughter has moved in and we put a foam coil mattress on it. She likes it. I wish it were easy to remove the center legs so we could put a trundle bed under it. They have a model with a trundle so hopefully we will find a way.
A good enough for a little over 120.
A sturdy metal bed with meh craftsmanship.
Dont try to assemble it alone, unless you are an IKEA pro/builder.
Have clamps and rubber mallet ready.
Pieces dont really want to align: look at the images.
Also, it comes all oily from the factory: wipe all pieces with a damp paper towel.
Aming Daybed! Bought 2 for my Studio. Nicely made components with top notch quality finish and plenty of high storage underneath. Very sturdy frame, excellent craftsmanship and superb value! Take your time and follow directions! Only tighten with Allen wrench when completely assembled.
Ordered in bronze.came with white bed knobs. Looks ridiculous but Im not going to disassemble and return the whole thing to get replacements. Ill paint them.
Got this for my teen daughter and she insisted she set it up herself. It was very easy to assemble and is sturdy. I love this purchase. Looking into another for my other daughter. Low price, great quality.
Looks great.Versatile design.i love it
Great buy
Easy to assemble and looks great.great for guests
Pleasantly Surprised!
This came very well packaged. The assembly instructions were clear and the parts were well labeled. It is easy to assemble with one person. The frame is very sturdy and we are quite pleased with the quality for the money.
Solid construction and looks great.
It looks even better than in the picture. Im bought it as a couch/bed combo in my spare room where I have office. Since then my adult daughter has moved in and we put a foam coil mattress on it. She likes it. I wish it were easy to remove the center legs so we could put a trundle bed under it. They have a model with a trundle so hopefully we will find a way.
Arrived with some rust in the frame
Its a pretty day bed. Sadly, it arrived with rust in some areas. Easy to assemble.
Overall, Im very satified with this bed.
The knobs for two of the posts did not go on evenly, so they are not that secure.
Not a 1 man construction
A good enough for a little over 120. A sturdy metal bed with meh craftsmanship. Dont try to assemble it alone, unless you are an IKEA pro/builder. Have clamps and rubber mallet ready. Pieces dont really want to align: look at the images. Also, it comes all oily from the factory: wipe all pieces with a damp paper towel.
Aming Quality Daybed!
Aming Daybed! Bought 2 for my Studio. Nicely made components with top notch quality finish and plenty of high storage underneath. Very sturdy frame, excellent craftsmanship and superb value! Take your time and follow directions! Only tighten with Allen wrench when completely assembled.
Wrong color bed knobs
Ordered in bronze.came with white bed knobs. Looks ridiculous but Im not going to disassemble and return the whole thing to get replacements. Ill paint them.
Got this for my teen daughter and she insisted she set it up herself. It was very easy to assemble and is sturdy. I love this purchase. Looking into another for my other daughter. Low price, great quality.
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