This is the perfect size and super easy to assemble, I did it by myself in under 30 minutes. I also came one day early and is the perfect bed frame for storage.
If youre loo for a sturdy platform bed and have a full, or a this is the perfect bed.
i love the height and sturdiness of this bed frame. Also, i was not happy to learn there is no headboard. The picture gives the impression that there is a headboard. However, I found a frame that works with this contemporary frame without hassle or modification plates. i bought the Flash Furniture Bedford Tufted Upholstered Full Size Headboard in Navy and it is a perfect fit!
Ive had it for a week it seems pretty sturdy and was very easy to assemble. All the tools to build it comes in the box with it, so thats really convenient. My 12/inch full size mattress is a little larger than this bed frame but it still fits well overall.
this was very easy to set/up. Lightweight so you can move it easy but very sturdy. It fit q full size mattress perfectly. Highly recommend for a simple bed frame.
My 21 year old daughter assembled this y herself. It took her about 10 minutes or so to inbox and put it together. If she can do it anyone can! Not complex at all. Very sturdy too.
easy to assemble and i really love the minimalistic design. lots of storage space underneath. doesnt squeak or make sound, fits my memory foam mattress perfectly.
It was exactly what we ordered. Took 10 mins to put together. One thing though that confused us was the labelling for the items. Half of the support bars were labelled wrong so that was a bit confusing at first when we were putting it together, but we figured it out.
Perfect Fit Easy To Assemble
This is the perfect size and super easy to assemble, I did it by myself in under 30 minutes. I also came one day early and is the perfect bed frame for storage. If youre loo for a sturdy platform bed and have a full, or a this is the perfect bed.
this was great i found a headboard to perfectly fit
i love the height and sturdiness of this bed frame. Also, i was not happy to learn there is no headboard. The picture gives the impression that there is a headboard. However, I found a frame that works with this contemporary frame without hassle or modification plates. i bought the Flash Furniture Bedford Tufted Upholstered Full Size Headboard in Navy and it is a perfect fit!
Convenient, effective, and easy to assemble
Ive had it for a week it seems pretty sturdy and was very easy to assemble. All the tools to build it comes in the box with it, so thats really convenient. My 12/inch full size mattress is a little larger than this bed frame but it still fits well overall.
Very nice frame.
this was very easy to set/up. Lightweight so you can move it easy but very sturdy. It fit q full size mattress perfectly. Highly recommend for a simple bed frame.
Perfect for the space we needed it for
My 21 year old daughter assembled this y herself. It took her about 10 minutes or so to inbox and put it together. If she can do it anyone can! Not complex at all. Very sturdy too.
my first real bed frame, i couldnt be happier
easy to assemble and i really love the minimalistic design. lots of storage space underneath. doesnt squeak or make sound, fits my memory foam mattress perfectly.
Exactly what i ordered
It was exactly what we ordered. Took 10 mins to put together. One thing though that confused us was the labelling for the items. Half of the support bars were labelled wrong so that was a bit confusing at first when we were putting it together, but we figured it out.
Does the job
Does the job
Great value for price
It is great in all ways. Except some of the paint comes off real easy even when assembling.
Good product for the price.
Purchased for my daughters room. Works great for a bed with no box spring.
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