Looking for a sturdy bang for your buck. This is it. I wanted a good headboard that had some comfort/cushioning to it while also giving me a decent frame. Its a little lower when climbing out (using just a mattress) but honestly its not bad. Space underneath is nice and the build was not bad. I would recommend to not jump on it as I am not planning on doing that. High Quality, Modern and Elegant
My daughter and I assembled it in about an hour. So easy and a real sturdy piece of furniture that my grandson can grow with!!! Definitely 5 stars loveeee it!
The bed feels extremely cheap and fragile, and whats more the slide is almost unusable. Because of the design there is a lip from where the top of the slide begins so our boy cant begin to go down it easily. Its very steep as well. If we didnt have to pay to ship this bed back we would return this tomorrow without question.
Its a cute bed. No pieces arrived damaged or damaged while putting it together. Took a few hours to put together. The height of the bed is lower than I wanted it to be so I dont know how long my child will be able to hang out under neath. I would get bed risers for it but the slide wouldnt reach the floor. nice buy
Bed Too low, looks like a kids bed
It was used for my bedroom but too small. Its for a kid not an adult
Its okay
Very cheap for cheap material
A bedframe with headboard
Looking for a sturdy bang for your buck. This is it. I wanted a good headboard that had some comfort/cushioning to it while also giving me a decent frame. Its a little lower when climbing out (using just a mattress) but honestly its not bad. Space underneath is nice and the build was not bad. I would recommend to not jump on it as I am not planning on doing that. High Quality, Modern and Elegant
Real furniture
My daughter and I assembled it in about an hour. So easy and a real sturdy piece of furniture that my grandson can grow with!!! Definitely 5 stars loveeee it!
Im afraid it going to break faster also it takes away from the nice looks
I dont like the damaged parts but it will break my boys heart if I send it back because one is going to have one the other want i like it
Is nice
Is nice good item
Cheap quality
The bed feels extremely cheap and fragile, and whats more the slide is almost unusable. Because of the design there is a lip from where the top of the slide begins so our boy cant begin to go down it easily. Its very steep as well. If we didnt have to pay to ship this bed back we would return this tomorrow without question.
Lower than I expected
Its a cute bed. No pieces arrived damaged or damaged while putting it together. Took a few hours to put together. The height of the bed is lower than I wanted it to be so I dont know how long my child will be able to hang out under neath. I would get bed risers for it but the slide wouldnt reach the floor. nice buy
Great bed. Perfect for a little one!
This bed is great for toddlers - young kids. The slide is SLICK so be careful. Tons of fun happyyyyy!
I like it. It was very straight forward and simple to assemble. Also its really good for how cheap it is nice purchase!
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