Attractive and great quality. Good size and actually holds more than it appears. Only thing is there are a lot of screws and parts. It took two of us a little over 2 hours to assemble.
Sturdy piece but be sure to look at the illustrations carefully. The written instructions are hard to follow. We have put MANY pieces of boxed furniture together but this one was difficult. Once together it is nice. OK for our home but may not withstand a home with kiddos and toys since it could easily scratch hard to repair photographed wood.
Beautiful piece! Instructions need some work as they were not very clear once you got to about step six. After putting it together we had issues with the shelves so we contacted the seller and they were wonderful they step by step process on some things to try turns out pieces 9 and 10 needed to be swapped even though we followed the instructions it seems like maybe they were labeled wrong so after we swap to those pieces the shelves fit perfectly. Other than that small issue the only other problem we had was that we had left over hardware as some of the pieces did not have a pre/drilled spot to put it in but we were still able to put it together and it is stable
Pre/grilled holes all misplaced, door does not line up with closure. Missing parts, this has been a nightmare to put together. Very disappointed since it looks so good in pictures!! It even looks good not even completed but it is so cheaply made.
I am using this as a bar and it is working out perfectly. There were chips on the corners that the seller was able to give me a discount. Installation took 3 hours with 2 of us but it is definitely nice.
Love the finished product. There were quite a few steps to assemble but by and large came together well. I had an issue with a hinge that broke while assembling but I called the manufacturer and they sent the part without any problems.
Great looking entry table
Attractive and great quality. Good size and actually holds more than it appears. Only thing is there are a lot of screws and parts. It took two of us a little over 2 hours to assemble.
Sturdy, photographed wood look, sketchy instructions
Sturdy piece but be sure to look at the illustrations carefully. The written instructions are hard to follow. We have put MANY pieces of boxed furniture together but this one was difficult. Once together it is nice. OK for our home but may not withstand a home with kiddos and toys since it could easily scratch hard to repair photographed wood.
Small issues that were fixable and great customer service!
Beautiful piece! Instructions need some work as they were not very clear once you got to about step six. After putting it together we had issues with the shelves so we contacted the seller and they were wonderful they step by step process on some things to try turns out pieces 9 and 10 needed to be swapped even though we followed the instructions it seems like maybe they were labeled wrong so after we swap to those pieces the shelves fit perfectly. Other than that small issue the only other problem we had was that we had left over hardware as some of the pieces did not have a pre/drilled spot to put it in but we were still able to put it together and it is stable
Great Customer Service
Great Product!
Looks Good BUT Cheaply Constructed / Nightmare to put Together
Pre/grilled holes all misplaced, door does not line up with closure. Missing parts, this has been a nightmare to put together. Very disappointed since it looks so good in pictures!! It even looks good not even completed but it is so cheaply made.
A Good addition
I am using this as a bar and it is working out perfectly. There were chips on the corners that the seller was able to give me a discount. Installation took 3 hours with 2 of us but it is definitely nice.
Great Product
This Cabinet is just what we were looking for
Great cabinet at an aming price!
This is a sturdy and very well made cabinet. Sturdy metal drawer tracks were a nice addition. All the pieces fit well and it looks great in our entry.
Hard Assemble
Very hard to assemble.
Nice product lots of steps
Love the finished product. There were quite a few steps to assemble but by and large came together well. I had an issue with a hinge that broke while assembling but I called the manufacturer and they sent the part without any problems.
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