Pretty easy to assemble. Very cute, sturdy bed for a toddler/ older child. Im sure my girls will outgrow this eventually, but it is nice for a 3year old.
Great value for the money ! Would have given it a perfect review if it werent for one step that should have been earlier in directions. The two 18 numbered rails should have been included in Step 7 instead of Step 9 but everything else was fine. I was concerned about damaged or missing parts but my shipment was in excellent condition.
First let me say that my little guy LOVES THIS BED. My husband was able to set it up quickly and by himself and it seems to be well built. We shall see how well it holds up to a two year old! The color is great and it looks really nice after setting up. I like the ribs that hold the mattress as it makes it lighter to move the whole bed around.
I have one dislike: and this could be my not fully reading or perhaps the mattress I bought wasnt the greatest. There seems to be some extra space length and width wise . Its not a huge deal, I just wasnt expecting it.
Cute bunk bed
Pretty easy to assemble. Very cute, sturdy bed for a toddler/ older child. Im sure my girls will outgrow this eventually, but it is nice for a 3year old.
Sturdy safe and good for toddlers
Was a little banged up when it arrived but its still a good buy
Perfect bunk bed for limited ceiling height or small room
Great value for the money ! Would have given it a perfect review if it werent for one step that should have been earlier in directions. The two 18 numbered rails should have been included in Step 7 instead of Step 9 but everything else was fine. I was concerned about damaged or missing parts but my shipment was in excellent condition.
Great bed, easy to assemble
Love this bed. It is perfect for my 6 year old. It was so easy to assemble. Everything was labeled and directions were easy to follow.
Easy to put to assemble
Very easy to assemble looks good kids love it a perfect fit for there room
Worth the purchase!
Weve had this for about a month and a half and its the perfect bunk bed for our 1 3 year olds. They love it, too!
Great value for the money
Super cute! My toddlers love it. I can even lay with them sometimes!
Well made and strong.very sturdy
Totally awesome low loft bed
First let me say that my little guy LOVES THIS BED. My husband was able to set it up quickly and by himself and it seems to be well built. We shall see how well it holds up to a two year old! The color is great and it looks really nice after setting up. I like the ribs that hold the mattress as it makes it lighter to move the whole bed around. I have one dislike: and this could be my not fully reading or perhaps the mattress I bought wasnt the greatest. There seems to be some extra space length and width wise . Its not a huge deal, I just wasnt expecting it.
Very pleased easy to assemble.
Very satisfied for the product
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