We bought this for our granddaughter to use when she visits but it is so well made my husband who weighs over 230 can easily fit on this bed. Andit looks greatvery well made. I would consider ordering another one of these to have on hand.thanks!
Came 90 pre/assembled. My 10/year old daughter connected the and the side rails for 5 dollars.
Very sturdy. I, my wife and and my daughter lay on it just to test it, the bed came out a winnerdid not hear a single squeak!
I also like the design. You can recline the head part.
Not as comfortable as a tempur/pedic bed, but hey this is a folding bed.
Hard bed
Mattress is too hard, not comfortable at all.
Well made, solid. Made to last and I am very happy with the purchase.
Very comfy
Great for an extra bed
Sturdy fold up
We bought this for our granddaughter to use when she visits but it is so well made my husband who weighs over 230 can easily fit on this bed. Andit looks greatvery well made. I would consider ordering another one of these to have on hand.thanks!
Worth the money
Came 90 pre/assembled. My 10/year old daughter connected the and the side rails for 5 dollars. Very sturdy. I, my wife and and my daughter lay on it just to test it, the bed came out a winnerdid not hear a single squeak! I also like the design. You can recline the head part. Not as comfortable as a tempur/pedic bed, but hey this is a folding bed.
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