My daughter loves everything about this bed. It was perfect for her teenage room make over. Wonderful product. It's not a quick set up but the end is worth it.
I bought this for my daughter. She's moving into an apartment for college. Need someting easy to assemble, compact and sturdy. This frame met the requirements.
Didn't give it 5 stars because the matress can slides off the frame pretty easily. Aside from that, it is a great frame.
Bought this for my 4yo's bed. Was easy to put together. Only problem is the mattress slides off the frame. Not sure why. I keep the bed against the wall to prevent him from sliding with the mattress. I have to get something to put on the frame to prevent the mattress from moving.
We needed to add a twin-sized bed in the guest room so I searched and found this one. Since it's so inexpensive I was a little skeptical before opening the package, and I was immediately surprised by the quality of the frames.
My husband is not considered handy but he put it together in less than 30 minutes; we're very happy with this purchase!
Jumping kids will bend the bars.
My kids are rough with furniture. Theyve been jumping on the bed and some of the bars have began to bow, our fault Im sure. But they still hold up!
great bed
This bed was so easy to assemble . It is also very sturdy.
All pieces were there. Very easy to assemble. Unfortunately one of the bars attached to the head/foot board came damaged.
Bed frame attractive
Sturdy, assembled easy,
Wow this is the best bed
Highly recommend
My daughter loves everything about this bed. It was perfect for her teenage room make over. Wonderful product. It's not a quick set up but the end is worth it.
Nice color, good buy
Like it's a good buy. It's for my granddaughter she loved it
Perfect for college
I bought this for my daughter. She's moving into an apartment for college. Need someting easy to assemble, compact and sturdy. This frame met the requirements. Didn't give it 5 stars because the matress can slides off the frame pretty easily. Aside from that, it is a great frame.
Bought this for my 4yo's bed. Was easy to put together. Only problem is the mattress slides off the frame. Not sure why. I keep the bed against the wall to prevent him from sliding with the mattress. I have to get something to put on the frame to prevent the mattress from moving.
Totally exceeded our expectations!
We needed to add a twin-sized bed in the guest room so I searched and found this one. Since it's so inexpensive I was a little skeptical before opening the package, and I was immediately surprised by the quality of the frames. My husband is not considered handy but he put it together in less than 30 minutes; we're very happy with this purchase!
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