Looks great and is pretty sturdy but it was VERY difficult to assemble and is way expensive. Kids love it though and I like that once we have a bigger space, we can take it apart and have 3 separate beds.
Came with a few broken pieces. Luckily I was able to assemble it in such a way that it wont hurt the integrity but im very disappointed. It feels a little less sturdy than I hoped too but for a 6 year old, 4 year old, and 2 year old it seems like a good buy. Fits perfectly in the space. You definitely need 8 feet clearance to the ceiling so the top child can sit up.
Minus some cosmetic damage during delivery this was worth the short wait! I have three girls who share a small room and this was exactly what they needed to give them more space in their room. And it’s beautiful to boot!
My kids have been using this for about 3 months now and I’m still happy with the purchase. Assembling as with any furniture can get tricky so I don’t think is at the manufacturer’s fault. After 3 months is still sturdy, looks pretty, and serves its purpose
Bought 2 sets. Showed up when expected. Every thing was packaged great. Instructions were very easy to follow. Set both up mostly by myself. Took about 2.5 hours to put together but that was doing it myself with minimal help, as husband was at work and had a little help from kids. Overall very happy with them and great buy for the price.
Difficult but worth it
Looks great and is pretty sturdy but it was VERY difficult to assemble and is way expensive. Kids love it though and I like that once we have a bigger space, we can take it apart and have 3 separate beds.
A couple broken pieces
Came with a few broken pieces. Luckily I was able to assemble it in such a way that it wont hurt the integrity but im very disappointed. It feels a little less sturdy than I hoped too but for a 6 year old, 4 year old, and 2 year old it seems like a good buy. Fits perfectly in the space. You definitely need 8 feet clearance to the ceiling so the top child can sit up.
I absolutely love it! Definitely gives me more space!! The kids love it! Super easy to build.
Great Purchase
My kids love. Easy to assemble and real sturdy.
Love it!
Absolutely LOVE this! It doesn’t take up any extra space and our girls have their own beds again!! Highly recommend this for the price!
Beautiful and functional
Minus some cosmetic damage during delivery this was worth the short wait! I have three girls who share a small room and this was exactly what they needed to give them more space in their room. And it’s beautiful to boot!
Great triple bed for small spaces
My kids have been using this for about 3 months now and I’m still happy with the purchase. Assembling as with any furniture can get tricky so I don’t think is at the manufacturer’s fault. After 3 months is still sturdy, looks pretty, and serves its purpose
Great buy for the price.
Bought 2 sets. Showed up when expected. Every thing was packaged great. Instructions were very easy to follow. Set both up mostly by myself. Took about 2.5 hours to put together but that was doing it myself with minimal help, as husband was at work and had a little help from kids. Overall very happy with them and great buy for the price.
Broken pieces
Dents and broken pieces....
Worth it!
This bed is worth the price. I got it for my three kids and it is surprisingly sturdy. I can climb up to the top bunk with no concerns.
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