I purchased 6 of these chairs for my dining table. I’ll be sure to post photos once the table arrives. Overall I think they’re a great value. This chair replicated a high-end look that I’ve seen elsewhere for a fraction of the price.
My only complaint is that I find the cushioning to be a bit underwhelming. It’s not bad, but I feel like it may not hold up over time. It’s hard to describe but it just feels a little cheap. I don’t see where I’ll be able to easily replace the padding myself either. Only time will tell.
A high-end look at a reasonable price
I purchased 6 of these chairs for my dining table. I’ll be sure to post photos once the table arrives. Overall I think they’re a great value. This chair replicated a high-end look that I’ve seen elsewhere for a fraction of the price. My only complaint is that I find the cushioning to be a bit underwhelming. It’s not bad, but I feel like it may not hold up over time. It’s hard to describe but it just feels a little cheap. I don’t see where I’ll be able to easily replace the padding myself either. Only time will tell.