I searched for a very long time to find a cabinet I could use for my odds and ends tools, batteries, glue, twine, etc. I couldnt find what I wanted in the industrial areas of traditional storage as I wanted something smaller and quite attractive as this storage was in my kitchen. This cabinet was the right thing for us! I put little liners in the drawers and a couple of bins in the door side and it was perfect! I highly recommend this
Not just for bathroom storage!
I searched for a very long time to find a cabinet I could use for my odds and ends tools, batteries, glue, twine, etc. I couldnt find what I wanted in the industrial areas of traditional storage as I wanted something smaller and quite attractive as this storage was in my kitchen. This cabinet was the right thing for us! I put little liners in the drawers and a couple of bins in the door side and it was perfect! I highly recommend this