Horrible assembly! I had a terrible time assembling this ...
Horrible assembly! I had a terrible time assembling this product due to the locking screw heads. The receiving holes were NOT large enough which means I had to drill out every receiving hole. I gave up after the 8th hole I had to open up and began to put this cabinet together myself. Thankfully I had some left over wood screws which I drove into the top and sides to hole the cabinet together. I learned a valuable lesson, pay a little more money for an already assembled product.
Horrible assembly! I had a terrible time assembling this ...
Horrible assembly! I had a terrible time assembling this product due to the locking screw heads. The receiving holes were NOT large enough which means I had to drill out every receiving hole. I gave up after the 8th hole I had to open up and began to put this cabinet together myself. Thankfully I had some left over wood screws which I drove into the top and sides to hole the cabinet together. I learned a valuable lesson, pay a little more money for an already assembled product.