These chairs are perfect for me. The color is a gorgeous blue that matches my decor perfectly. They’re comfortable and lovely to sit in. My parents, who have severe back issues, also thought so. The chairs were super easy to assemble. They’re heavy, so be aware of that. They’re also very well constructed (my one issue is that the anti-scratch pads on the legs come off easily). FedEx absolutely mangled the shipping boxes-completely shredded. The chairs inside were untouched and completely safe. They’re extremely well packaged to withstand delivery services! 10/10 would recommend.
Easy, comfortable, worth it
These chairs are perfect for me. The color is a gorgeous blue that matches my decor perfectly. They’re comfortable and lovely to sit in. My parents, who have severe back issues, also thought so. The chairs were super easy to assemble. They’re heavy, so be aware of that. They’re also very well constructed (my one issue is that the anti-scratch pads on the legs come off easily). FedEx absolutely mangled the shipping boxes-completely shredded. The chairs inside were untouched and completely safe. They’re extremely well packaged to withstand delivery services! 10/10 would recommend.