Its easy to assemble - the back is a pain to slide in but not the end of the world. It seems to be pretty sturdy (I just received and put it up) but since its all about slide-in its hard to move the chair around without disassembling it.
It is a firm and very comfortable chair, but if youre looking for snuggling, forget it, the back is short so no way you could rest your head lol but again, it is comfort.
The only thing I really dislike was the feet - its plastic not even MDF.
Overall, youre getting what you pay for. The price is fair, it is a good product, comfortable, good finish and looks pretty neat in the living room or bedroom.
Fair price
Its easy to assemble - the back is a pain to slide in but not the end of the world. It seems to be pretty sturdy (I just received and put it up) but since its all about slide-in its hard to move the chair around without disassembling it. It is a firm and very comfortable chair, but if youre looking for snuggling, forget it, the back is short so no way you could rest your head lol but again, it is comfort. The only thing I really dislike was the feet - its plastic not even MDF. Overall, youre getting what you pay for. The price is fair, it is a good product, comfortable, good finish and looks pretty neat in the living room or bedroom.