So easy to understand how to install with all those numbers labeld on each peice. Works great very sturdy. Put a 12 in matress in it even though it says not to. Plenty of protection still left with the guard rail. Inexpensive but does a great job. My oldest slid her bed underneath and then later on when my youngest moves out she can take it with her and put a desk under it It works great! Thank you!
Very sturdy and looks great
So easy to understand how to install with all those numbers labeld on each peice. Works great very sturdy. Put a 12 in matress in it even though it says not to. Plenty of protection still left with the guard rail. Inexpensive but does a great job. My oldest slid her bed underneath and then later on when my youngest moves out she can take it with her and put a desk under it It works great! Thank you!