They responded to my issue very quickly. I bought this as my daughters first big girl bed and I am not disappointed. I wanted to get something that she could grow into. Its sturdy enough for me to climb into and read w her at night. Shes had several sleepovers w her cousins and has had no problems w two people sleeping in it. I also love that I can throw a twin mattress underneath for extra bedding. Its been a great purchase.
Big Girl Bed
They responded to my issue very quickly. I bought this as my daughters first big girl bed and I am not disappointed. I wanted to get something that she could grow into. Its sturdy enough for me to climb into and read w her at night. Shes had several sleepovers w her cousins and has had no problems w two people sleeping in it. I also love that I can throw a twin mattress underneath for extra bedding. Its been a great purchase.