Desk looks great and is nice and sturdy. Had to knock a star off because of how annoying the assembly was. Some holes for screws were not drilled all the way and I didnt have a drill so I drilled a hole using a screwdriver. Not the best practice and was time consuming, but at least it worked. Also the directions were just pictures with labels of the parts so I could see how some people could get frustrated with that and easily mess something up.
Assembly was a b!tch
Desk looks great and is nice and sturdy. Had to knock a star off because of how annoying the assembly was. Some holes for screws were not drilled all the way and I didnt have a drill so I drilled a hole using a screwdriver. Not the best practice and was time consuming, but at least it worked. Also the directions were just pictures with labels of the parts so I could see how some people could get frustrated with that and easily mess something up.