The umbrella is nice. Easy to assemble. The strap helps it stay secure in wind. The lights are not bright but just enough to illuminate the people sitting at the table. The problem I have is the customer service. My first umbrella arrived damaged and it took two weeks to get a replacement due to their extremely slow communication. Each email took 2 days or more for them to reply. Sending letters vis the USPS woul have been quicker.
Nice umbrella but slow customer service
The umbrella is nice. Easy to assemble. The strap helps it stay secure in wind. The lights are not bright but just enough to illuminate the people sitting at the table. The problem I have is the customer service. My first umbrella arrived damaged and it took two weeks to get a replacement due to their extremely slow communication. Each email took 2 days or more for them to reply. Sending letters vis the USPS woul have been quicker.