Very happy with my purchase. As of right now it is extremely firm. This was not custom to my height no weight so I did somewhat expect that but it will take a lot to break in. It is also slightly louder than I thought it was going to be due to the plastic pieces that hold the bungees. Also, those plastic pieces hurt if you are jumping barefoot and happen to land on them in an open squat position. So beware of that and learn where to land when jumping. Otherwise, good purchase for the cost.
Good for the cost
Very happy with my purchase. As of right now it is extremely firm. This was not custom to my height no weight so I did somewhat expect that but it will take a lot to break in. It is also slightly louder than I thought it was going to be due to the plastic pieces that hold the bungees. Also, those plastic pieces hurt if you are jumping barefoot and happen to land on them in an open squat position. So beware of that and learn where to land when jumping. Otherwise, good purchase for the cost.