Its the perfect balance of design and functionality
Love this. We buy the rebounders for the kids because they are cheaper than kid trampoline s. This one was exceptionally easy to put together. We didnt have the hassle with those obnoxious push down buttons that lock on every setting level! The knobs just fit in and tighten down nicely and they dont fall out. We currently have it set on the lowest handle setting for our 5 year old and toddler. Our 12 year old adjusts it for himself when he has PE. Its the perfect height for the toddler to get on and off, for the adults and the 12 yo to do tricep dips, and to fall and not get hurt if you are a rambunctious 5 year old that likes to Superman launch yourself onto chairs nearby. Love this and would recommend
Its the perfect balance of design and functionality
Love this. We buy the rebounders for the kids because they are cheaper than kid trampoline s. This one was exceptionally easy to put together. We didnt have the hassle with those obnoxious push down buttons that lock on every setting level! The knobs just fit in and tighten down nicely and they dont fall out. We currently have it set on the lowest handle setting for our 5 year old and toddler. Our 12 year old adjusts it for himself when he has PE. Its the perfect height for the toddler to get on and off, for the adults and the 12 yo to do tricep dips, and to fall and not get hurt if you are a rambunctious 5 year old that likes to Superman launch yourself onto chairs nearby. Love this and would recommend