Its easy to assemble, just open the box and follow the instructions. Takes about 5 minutes. One of the triangle D rings broke 3 months after purchase. Our son jumps on it when hes watching screens. I contacted the seller Eric about the issue and he said he was sending out a replacement. I thought it was the D ring I was asking for, but he sent a brand new trampoline!!! So we put the broken one in the goat area and the baby goats are loving the old one! I used a zip tie to reattach the spring to the trampoline
Excellent customer service
Its easy to assemble, just open the box and follow the instructions. Takes about 5 minutes. One of the triangle D rings broke 3 months after purchase. Our son jumps on it when hes watching screens. I contacted the seller Eric about the issue and he said he was sending out a replacement. I thought it was the D ring I was asking for, but he sent a brand new trampoline!!! So we put the broken one in the goat area and the baby goats are loving the old one! I used a zip tie to reattach the spring to the trampoline