We have been extremely happy with our purchase! The trampoline was surprisingly easy to assemble, and it was very sturdy once it was put together. The bounce is perfect for our kids! We needed to order a few replacement parts after some minor damage following some severe weather last summer, and we have been very pleased with the customer service. Not only did they respond to me within 12 hours, but they were amingly helpful in pinpointing the parts we needed and offering to send the parts free of charge! We would highly recommend trampolines!
Great trampoline with aming customer service!
We have been extremely happy with our purchase! The trampoline was surprisingly easy to assemble, and it was very sturdy once it was put together. The bounce is perfect for our kids! We needed to order a few replacement parts after some minor damage following some severe weather last summer, and we have been very pleased with the customer service. Not only did they respond to me within 12 hours, but they were amingly helpful in pinpointing the parts we needed and offering to send the parts free of charge! We would highly recommend trampolines!