Easy to assemble and good quality. Well worth a few extra bucks, especially for daily use.
Really comfortable seat, great contoured back, and adjustable in every way you could ever want, which is what we were looking for. After purchasing leather/bonded leather chairs and having them peel, we have decided this might be the perfect compromise. Im still figuring out just how loose I want to make the tilt adjustment. I put it together myself accordding with assemble instructions, but it would be way faster and less awkward with help. Iv had it for 2 weeks and so far i still like it.
Great Chair
Easy to assemble and good quality. Well worth a few extra bucks, especially for daily use. Really comfortable seat, great contoured back, and adjustable in every way you could ever want, which is what we were looking for. After purchasing leather/bonded leather chairs and having them peel, we have decided this might be the perfect compromise. Im still figuring out just how loose I want to make the tilt adjustment. I put it together myself accordding with assemble instructions, but it would be way faster and less awkward with help. Iv had it for 2 weeks and so far i still like it.